Members can login to the membership area for contact information for many of these individuals. Are you a shipmate without a membership? Click Here to become a member. are Association life members
are charter members
are regular members (opened 02/16/2001)
In Memory--Shipmates known to be deceased are members of the 1942 commissioning crew or 1961 recommissioning crew
Shipmates are divided into 11 sections.
Terry Paul Quirin, SM2: Aboard 1969. Sent 2003 reunion letter to New Athens, IL. added 01/14/03
Robert Junior Race, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Howell, MI.
Richard J. Rader, SN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Plainfield, WI. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Oak Creek, WI. "Received from George Randall on 09/17/03, "If this is the same Richard Rader I knew, he, his wife Shirly, daughter and son-in law were killed in a small plane crash in Puget Sound sometime in the middle 70's. He was a electrician at Edwards Air Force Base and lived in Lancaster, CA. We reported onboard together and he transfered off a very short time later to a refrigeration ship that I don't know the name of." updated 09/28/03
Santiago E. Ragados, TN: Aboard 1951-54. Probably deceased "SANTIAGO E RAGADOS; SSN 561-54-7847; Residence: 92011; Born 2 Jan 1929; Died 8 Jul 1997; Issued: CA" updated 05/30/03
Henry Wayne Ragsdale, EM2: Aboard 1944-45. Possibly deceased. From Residence: 62554 Oreana, Macon, IL; Born 28 May 1912; Died 20 Nov 1998.
George Anthony Rahn, DCFA: Aboard 1969-70. I called him 09/11/02 and he is interested in Association. Lives in Fontana, CA.
Dudley Harris Ralston, Jr., S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Kenton, OH. Probably deceased "DUDLEY RALSTON Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 269-24-0409 Residence: 43326 Kenton, Hardin, OH
Born 6 May 1924 Last Benefit: 43326 Kenton, Hardin, OH
Died Apr 1986 Issued: OH (Before 1951)" updated 12/13/02
Ernesto S. Ramariz, SD2: Aboard 1968-70.
Domingo C. Ramento, SD3: Aboard 1950
Jose (n) Ramirez, S1c: Aboard 1943. added 01/05/03
Leonardo "Sa." Ramirez, TN: Aboard 1967-70.
Charles "Ric." "Chuck" Randall, SN Aboard 1967-68.
Lives in Idaho Falls, ID. updated 06/08/03.
Lloyd D. Randall, CS3 Aboard 1967-69 as CS3. This is really a great site. Phillip Trujillo called and told me about the reunion. This has brought back a lot of great memories. I was aboard The AO-36 from 67 to 69 left the Navy Sept.70 after a year in-country Viet Nam. In 74 I married my wife of 27 years we have 3 daughters & 1 grand daughter. I also joined the Phx.Fire 74 and presently I am the Division Chief in charge of Special Operations. I'm looking forward to attending the reunion in a couple of weeks. Lives in Phoenix,AZ. updated 10/06/01 Membership EXP 10/02
Melvin Randolph, BT3: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Natchitoches, LA (not him).
Donald O. Ranen, BT3: Aboard 1952-54. Brother-in-law of David McAllister. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Clear Lake, MN and La Feria, TX.
AO-36 Life Member 168
Harold E. Ransom, RM2
Aboard 1948-49
"Also served aboard USS Mispillion (AO-105) from 1946-47. I wish I had known about the reunion sooner as I have some solid plans for that period." Lives in Stoughton, MA. updated with membership 09/10/02
Daniel E. or M. Ranson, AS Aboard 1942
Lawrence A. Rasey S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Possibly deceased. From "Residence: 43302 Marion, Marion, OH; Born: 12 Jan 1921; Died: Jan 1972; Issued: OH (Before 1951)" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Ovid, MI.
Warren A. Rasmus, YN3 Aboard 1946-47. He was blind so his brother originally wrote a letter for him. Passed away November 13, 2003. Lived in Garner, IA. updated 11/17/03
Roger M. Ratekin, FT3 Aboard 1951-54. I received an phone call from Tom Skindzier regarding the people who served on the USS Kennebec. I was aboard from 1951 until we put it out of commission in 1954. It was moored at the Desbase in San Diego. I would sure like to be on the mailing list for any information regarding the Kennebec. OBITUARY: Roger M. Ratekin passed away Jan 4, 2005 after a courageous fight. Roger, a resident of Solana Beach, was born in Ventura, CA on May 15, 1930. Roger will be deeply missed by his loving family and friends, including his wife of 50 years, Mary; daughter Rhonda Ratekin; daughter Ricki Bettencourt and husband Alan Bettencourt; granddaughters Kinsey, Hannah and Molly Bettencourt. We will always cherish his love and support and the humor he could bring to any situation. In lieu of flowers, donations to your local Boys and Girls Club or favorite charity would be greatly appreciated. Visitation will be held from 3-7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9, with services 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 10, at the Charles Carroll Funeral Home, 15 Teloma Drive, Ventura, CA. A celebration of Roger's life will be held at a later date in Solana Beach. Please contact the family for details. Published in the San Diego Union-Tribune on 1/7/2005." Lived in Solana Beach, CA. updated with obituary 01/18/05
Frank A. Ratto, SN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Alameda, CA.
Woodrow Dewitt Rawls, S1c: Aboard 1943-44. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Mount Pleasant, SC.
R.R. Rawstron, Jr., FCSN: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Rancho Cordova, CA.
Billie Joe Ray, SN Aboard 1963-65. He is the "victim" in the photo. Originally from Kentucky. updated 05/09/05
James L. Ray, S1: Aboard 1947
Lennis H. "Lennie" Ray, RD3: Aboard 1965. Nice to see the web site. Have often wondered about shipmates and friends. I was one of three brothers (Rogers Ray, MM1 and Martin Ray EN2) Rogers and I live in Nashville, TN he is an engineer for Thermal Heating and Cooling. I retired from the Air Force and now teach in a high school. If any one has an address or phone number for Larry Mummy, RD1. I would like to contact him. Again Thanks, more later. updated 05/15/01. Membership contact updated in membership area Feb. 2013.
Martin LaVern. Ray, EN2 Aboard 1965-68. From brother Rogers, "Martin LaVern Ray (youngest of the three brothers) died of liver cancer on September 29, 1982 at the age of 37. He was survived by three children – a son and twin daughters. “Vern” (as his family called him) worked for Kroger Inc. in Nashville. Vern was a avid lover of the character Sherlock Holmes. He was raised and rests in TN." updated 05/15/01
Robert L. Ray, S2c: Aboard 1942. added 01/03/03
Rogers L. Ray,
Aboard 1964-68
ROGERS LEE RAY MM1 (older brother of Lennis Hugh Ray RD3 and Martin LaVern Ray EN2). All brothers served on the USS Kennebec AO36 at the same time. Rogers and his wife, Patricia, live in Gallatin, TN. They have two children – a daughter, Raegan, and a son, Barry, and three grandchildren. Rogers retired from the Navy in May 1974 and started a “real” job with Nashville Thermal Transfer Corporation in October of the same year. He is presently servicing steam turbines, four 7,000 ton a/c units and pumps. Rogers enjoys playing golf with his son and time with his family. updated 05/24/01. On 4-22-2018, we heard from Raegan Ray, daughter of Rogers Lee Ray. She stated that Rogers retired from Thermal, and enjoyed traveling with his wife. In his last years he suffered from Parkinson's. He passed away April 23, 2016. Ray's Obit.
AO-36 Life Member 120
George F. Raymond, YN3 Aboard 1968-70
Reunions Attended: 2002, 2003,
2004, 2016
I was assigned to the Kennebec from 10-68 through decommissioning. I worked as a deck hand (SA), the deck yeoman (YNSN) and spent a brief time working in the ship's office (YN3). I have many wonderful memories and a few sad ones. I recognized some of the names of the shipmates listed on the website. I boarded the Kennebec by way of Boston, San Franciso, Travis AFB. Hawaii, Wake Island, Tachikawa, unknown AB in southern Japan, and finally a bus ride to Sasebo. I was told by fellow shipmates that the ship's WESPAC tour was over and we would be heading back to San Franciso. I believe that I had one day of liberty in Sasebo. Spent most of liberty at the Fiddler's Green (on top of a hill?) playing the slots and getting free drinks delivered to me all night. Life was grand. The next day the crew was informed that a sister oiler was disabled and the Kennebec would take its place on the line. I was going to Vietnam. I was a deck hand and was assigned the starboard hi-line (observing). It was very exciting. I remember a rope hanging from a pallet of ammunition getting hung up on the perforated deck and shells bouncing all over the deck. After working the line I believe we headed for Subic and from there to San Franciso. My first check included "combat pay"! I was home (Grafton, Massachusetts) for XMAS and New Year's. I have lots of stories and some pictures (if I can find them). More later. P.S. I was working in the ship's office during decommissioning. I was actually on a ship tied up in back of the Kennebec. I worked with LTJG Steve Quirk (lots of good stories about him). I believe he was one of the last to leave the ship. I was on a tight schedule that day and was waiting to say good-bye to him but had to leave. I also worked with Richard Obenchain and Rick Wells. work e-mail: Great website. Looking forward to corresponding and meeting old shipmates. After decommissioning was reassigned to shore duty at Kamiseya, Japan. Was released from Navy in July 71. Married Sue in 1970, 2 children. Currently CFO, Partner in distribution business in Lynchburg, VA. Lives in Forest, VA. updated with life membership 01/07/05
James W. Rea, GM3: Aboard 1951-53. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Columbus, OH.
Earl Aiken Reagor, Y1C Aboard 1942 to June 1944. In a 1985 letter to Bud Bessey, he lived in Jacksonville, FL. Probably deceased "EARL REAGOR Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 263-28-0692 Residence: 32211 Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Born 15 Oct 1921 Last Benefit: 32211 Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Died Jan 1987 Issued: FL (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Joseph R. Reaux: Aboard 25 Dec 46
William Earnest Rebstock, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Baltimore, MD. Possibly deceased "WILLIAM REBSTOCK Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 476-28-4293 Residence:
Born 31 Aug 1926 Last Benefit: 56283 Redwood Falls, Redwood, MN
Died Jun 1979 Issued: MN (Before 1951)"
Larry G. "Bud" Redmond, MM3 Aboard November 1965 to July 1969. Excited about 2001 reunion. Hope to see all of you at the reunion. Thanks to Mike Vodak for contacting me. Lives in Statesville, NC. removed invalid email 08/31/02 Membership EXP 07/04
Henry E. Reed, SKSA: Aboard 1951-52
James (n) Reed, BT2 Aboard 1964-68. From Boston, MA.
Frederick Eugene Reese, EM2: Aboard 1944-46. Glenn Cantrell said he lived 90 miles from Zanesville, OH in 1985. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Winter Haven, FL (not him).
George L. Reeves, BT1 Aboard 1951-54. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Pulaski, VA.
Salvator A. Rega, SK1 Aboard 1942. Sent 2004 reunion letter to Melbourne, FL.
Venancio "Pau." Regala, SD3: Aboard 1969-70.
James D. Register, EM3: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to New Concord, KY and Clarksville, TN and Saint Marys, GA and Pickens, SC. Please contact Joe Speers.
Charles A. Reider, Cox: Aboard 1947-48. Possibly deceased "CHARLES A REIDER; SSN 370-24-5680; Residence: 49505 Grand Rapids, Kent, MI; Born 21 Feb 1926; Died 9 Mar 1989" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Grand Rapids, MI. updated 05/30/03
Jonathan "Dou." "John" Reilly, SN Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Columbia, SC.
Thomas J. "Tom" Reinig, BT3
Aboard 1969-70. I called him on 05/31/03. He is interested in the Association. Lives in Elk Grove, CA. updated 05/31/03
Miles D. Remly, F1c Aboard 1942. His niece, Nancy, emailed 01/01/05, "Miles Remly was my uncle. My mother (his sister) is sitting next me and said she can confirm his death and the date indicated." Deceased "MILES D REMLY; Born 27 Aug 1923; Died 13 Dec 2001" Lived in Tacoma, WA. updated 01/01/05
Charles Renfrow: Aboard in early 50's. Lived in Waxahachi, TX.
Kenneth Lee Renfrow, MM3 Aboard 1965-68. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Patterson, CA.
Stanley B. "Stan" Renik, S1c: Aboard 1944-45. Received letter Mar 8, 2002 "It's nice to hear from someone that's been on the Kennebec. But to my sorrow I would not be able to attend your reunion." Lives in Lebanon, PA. Probably deceased, "Name: Stanley B. Renik
SSN: 184-12-7364
Last Residence: 17046 Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Born: 19 Aug 1923
Died: 4 Sep 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951 )" updated 08/24/04
Harlow H. Rennhack, SN: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Norco, CA.
Michael Leroy Renter, FN: Aboard 1969-70.
AO-36 Life Member 221
Martin Renteria, YN2
Aboard 1947-49
(n) Martin and his wife Maria Elena live in Pico Rivera, CA. He joined the association as a Life Member in Sept. 2013. Martin's contact info is available in the membership area. Updated 9/11/2013
Gerald Wayne Renz, BM3: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Fort Collins, CO.
Claude D. Revels, CSG1: Aboard 1952. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Jacksonville, FL (insufficient address). Possibly deceased "CLAUDE REVELS
SSN: 267-16-3501
Last Residence: 32205 Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Born: 6 Oct 1924
Last Benefit: 32205 Jacksonville, Duval, FL
Died: Aug 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: FL"
Richard J. Reyes, SA: Aboard 1970. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Newton, CT.
Ruben M. Reyes, SD1: Aboard 1969. added 01/16/03
Robert Reynolds, RD2: Aboard 1952-53
James Robert Rhoads, SN: Aboard 1965-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Fallon, NV.
Robert Rhoads, Jr., SN: Aboard December 25, 1948.
Hobart Rhodes, Jr., SN: Aboard 1948-49. Possibly deceased "HOBART RHODES; SSN 185-22-7073; Born 1 Sep 1927; Last Benefit: 15131 Mc Keesport, Allegheny, PA; Died Aug 1987" updated 05/30/03
Richard E. Rhubottom, FA: Aboard 1948. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Chehalis, WA.
Gus B. Rice, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. I called him on 05/11/03 and had a nice conversation. Lives in Weaverville, NC. updated 05/11/03
Richard Earl Rice, Cox: Aboard 1943-45
Daniel William Ricen, S2c: Aboard 1944. Possibly deceased "DANIEL RICEN 24 Sep 1911 Jan 1976 11228 (Brooklyn, Kings, NY) (none specified) 140-01-5821 New Jersey" added 01/05/03
AO-36 Life Member 172
Alfred "A.C." Richards, GMG1
Aboard 1947-50 as SN
Reunions Attended: 2002
Unable to attend 2001 reunion. He called Dick Hawkins Feb 16, 2002, and said he and friend Jim Couey plan to attend 2002 reunion. Lives In Newport News, VA. updated with membership 10/10/02. Received return mailing 6/21/2012 that marked Alfred deceased as of 5-28-2012. Confirmed that information by locating Alfred's Obit.
Burton E. Richards, END1: Aboard 1952-53. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Oakland, CA. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Bala Cynwyd, PA.
Johny "Cl." Richardson, MMFA: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Independence, MO. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Florence, AL.
Robert H. Richardson, SFM3: Aboard 1968
Bob "Rich" R. Richardson, PC3
I was aboard Kennebec from July 65 to June 66. Was discharged on arrival at Hunter's Point when we got back from Westpac along with J.L. Johns, Pete Choinsky, Don Siefkus and others. I work for a company in Tacoma that sells products and services to the timber industry, as the sales manager. Had a cardiac event 2 years ago, but feel pretty good now. I just turned 59. You've done a terrific job on the website, those pix of the crew and the ship sure brought back a lot of great memories. What a bunch of crazy guys! At any rate, thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Jack L. Richardson, SN: Aboard 1950
Thomas D. Ricketts, EN2: Aboard 1946-49
Hugh Ward Ricks, SM1: Aboard 1942-46. Possibly deceased "HUGH RICKS Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 456-16-7870 Residence:
Born 30 May 1920 Last Benefit:
Died Jul 1971 Issued: TX (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Melvin R. Rideout, MM2Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Naylor, MO.
Elmon E. Rieck, SF1: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Marysville, WA.
Charles A. Rieder, SN: Aboard 1948-49. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Watertown, MN.
Clayton (n) Riffe, S2c: Aboard 1945. Possibly deceased "CLAYTON RIFFE Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 232-28-5914 Residence: 24740 Princeton, Mercer, WV
Born 14 Jul 1915 Last Benefit:
Died 14 Nov 1998 Issued: NC/WV (Before 1951" Originally from WV.
George A. Riggs, BM2 Aboard 1961.
Johnny Wayne Riley, EMFN Aboard 1965. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Fremont, CA.
Lawrence "Alvi." Riley, SA Aboard 1967-68.
Melvin Joseph Riley, MM2: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Advance, MO. Possibly deceased "MELVIN J RILEY Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 430-36-0229 Residence: 63730 Advance, Stoddard, MO
Born 3 May 1924 Last Benefit:
Died 9 May 1994 Issued: AR (Before 1951)" updated 12/13/02
Arthur V. Rimpley, Jr., CS3: Aboard 1962.
John B. Ringwelski, RM1: Aboard 1951-53. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Little Falls, MN. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Rice, MN. Possibly deceased "JOHN B RINGWELSKI
SSN: 473-12-1099
Last Residence:
Born: 21 Jul 1920
Last Benefit:
Died: 1 Feb 1989
State (Year) SSN issued: MN"
Frederick "Ro." Ripley, MM1: Aboard 1966-69. Enlisted 02/57. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Land O Lakes, FL.
Marty E. Risen, SM3 Aboard 1965-67. Lives in Oceanside, CA. updated 08/01/01 Membership EXP 04/02
Leonard F. Ritenaur, BMSNAboard 1961-63.
Cornelius L. Ritter, S1c Aboard 05/44-01/46. Unable to attend 2002 reunion. Lives in Denver, CO. updated 06/27/02
Ray Rivas, SN: Aboard 1969-70.
George Rivera, MM2 Aboard 1966-68. Enlisted 04/57.
Forrest L. "Dusty" Roades, EM1, Aboard 1951-52. was attended by his widow, Midge; daughter, Lea and granddaughter, Esther. Aboard 1951-52. Interested in 2001 reunion. Lives in Magalia, CA. His widow, Midge, called on 08/01/03 and advised that Dusty passed away 11/28/01 at the age of 76. She, their daughter and granddaughter plan to attend the 2003 reunion. updated 08/16/03
Ralph L. Robbins, SN: Aboard 1954. added 01/04/03
Ralph L. Roberson, SN: Aboard 1953-54. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Vero Beach, FL.
William "Ear." Roberts, SFP3: Aboard 1967-68.
B.P. Robertson, EMFN Aboard 1951-52
Billy T. Robertson, FN: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Victorville, CA.
Dale C. Robertson, SA: Aboard 1953. added 01/04/03
David "Ken." Robertson, SN: Aboard 1963-65.
AO-36 Life Member 218
David K. Robertson, ETN3
Aboard 1964-66
Became a Life Member July 2012. Nickname "Robbie". Lives in Johns Island, NC.
George Thomson Robertson, Cox: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Southgate, MI.
Millard V. Robertson AS Aboard 1942
James H. Robinson, SN: Aboard 1952-54
William J. Robinson, YNSN: Aboard 1949-50
Mr. Roby: Aboard in 1942. added 04/03/01
Robert Alex Rodd, BM3: Aboard 1963-65. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Colorado Springs, CO. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Amsterdam, NY.
Rex A. Roden, FTG2 Aboard 1965-69. Lives in Fair Oaks, CA. updated with membership 02/22/03 Membership EXP 02/04
Elza E. Rodgers, FC2: Aboard 1948-50. Sent 2001 reunion postcard to Seminole, OK (not him)
R.R. Roethlisberger, MM2: Aboard 1946
William R. Rodriguez, SA: Aboard 1948
Franklin (n) Rogers, S2c: Aboard 1942. added 01/03/03
AO-36 Life Member 24
John T. Rogers, BT3
Aboard 1965-68
Wanted to attend 2001 reunion. Lives in National City, CA. updated 01/20/02
Lyle D. Rogers, EM2 Aboard 1951-54. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Redmond, WA. Dale Pastore emailed on 01/22/03, "I contacted Lyle D Rogers' widow. He died 4/21/02 of heart failure. He only lived 10 miles from me and I didn't know it."
Rancefer T. Rogers, FA: Aboard 1948. Probably deceased "RANCEFER ROGERS; SSN 458-38-4285; Born 10 May 1931; Died May 1979" Sent 2002 reunion letter to Odessa, TX (relative?). updated 05/30/03
Raymond L. Rogers, AS Aboard 1942
Raymond W. Rogers, CS1: Aboard 1948-49
Wallace Howard Rogers, F1c: Aboard 1945-46
Barry L. Rohrer, BM3 Great job on the web site, it really bring back a lot of memories, was Aboard 1965-1968, then finished my tour Aboard the USS Mataco ATF-86 untill Jan-1969 it was a fleet going tug. Lives in Myerstown, PA.
Elmer Louis Roll, WT3: Aboard 1943-44. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Coeur D Alene, ID. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Olympia, WA.
David M. Roller, SN
Aboard 1961-62 for a couple of months. I called him on 05/31/03. Lives in Las Vegas, NV. updated 05/31/03
Dennis "Norbe." Rolwes, SN: Aboard 1968-69. Sent 2002 and 2003 reunion letter to Dubuque, IA. "No forwarding order on file." Might have moved to CO. updated 08/22/04
Victor Roman, CS3 Aboard 1961-64.
Ray J. Romani, BMSN
I came aboard Kennebec in early 1963, after shore duty at Pearl Harbor. Served under Capt. House. I was in 1st. Div. Made first WesPac cruse. Reinlisted (USMC) 1967-1970. Will attend reunion. updated email address 05/08/03
Larry Lee Romero, SHSN: Aboard 1965-68.
Otis Ray Romero, FN: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to New Iberia, LA (no mail receptacle). Sent 2003 reunion letter to Jeanerette, LA.
Roy L. Romero, FN: Aboard 1964-65.
Irie Ernest Roots, QM3: Aboard 1944-45. Probably deceased "IRIE E ROOTS; SSN 405-26-8381; Residence: 72; Born 16 Jul 1925; Died 12 Dec 1996" Sent 2003 reunion letter to Cincinnati, OH. updated 05/30/03
Martin W. Roper, ICFN: Aboard 1951-52. Possibly deceased "MARTIN W ROPER; SSN 533-24-7487; Residence: 98155 Seattle, King, WA; Born 26 Aug 1929;
Died 22 Oct 1994" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Seattle, WA. updated 05/30/03
Emil F. Rose, SN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to
Saginaw, MI. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Northville, MI.
Herman Rose, FN: Aboard 1968
Reunions Attended: 2001, 2005, 2006
Ronald E. "Ron" Rose, MMFN Aboard 1965-66. Mike Vodak found me! I finally remember you Mike. Sorry it took so long for the old brain to kick in. I have resided in Duluth, MN for most of the last 33 years. I have been married to my wife, Gail, for 33 years and have four grown children (two boys and two girls) and have four granddaughters and one grandson. I have been an auto tech at Curtis Oil and Tire for the past 20 years. Hope to retire in the next two years. See you all at the 2001 reunion! Moving to Indianola, IA 09/16/04. updated email 02/24/05
Joseph Rosenbaum, ENFA: Aboard 1968. added 01/14/03
Glenn Arthur Ross, S1c: Aboard 1943-44
Robert L. Ross, RD2: Aboard 1953-54. added 01/04/03
Steven D. Ross, SN: Aboard 1968-69.
Frank A. Rossi, ME3: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Solon, OH.
AO-36 Life Member 74
Robert H. "Bob" Rossington, BM1 Aboard 1963-65
Reported to ship February 1963 in the 2nd Division. Left ship via manila hi-line September 1965 to a tin can bound for Yokosuka when Kennebec was enroute to Sasebo on her 1965 WESPAC cruise. Eventually made BM1 while in Japan; served as craftmaster on (YO-49) and had made BM1 and was skipper on (YTM-518). Served three years in Yokosuka ( it was tough duty but someone had to do it!). Served on USS Neches (AO-47) from July 1968 until discharged in July 1969. Retired after 22 years with the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit. Presently a consultant to companies involved in BART train rehabilitation project. Lives in Pittsburg, CA. added life membership 11/12/02
Thomas "Wil." Rotarius, FN Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Almont, MI.
Martin M. Rothenberg, CS2: Aboard 1951. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Hollywood, FL. added 01/04/03
Carl S. Rothman, HN3: Aboard 1966-67. I spoke with him on 08/19/04. Interested in Association. Lives in Tampa, FL. updated 08/19/04
James L. Rowe, S2c Aboard 1942
Benir Ruano, SK1: Aboard 1965. He usually greeted you with, "Hey, Joe." "BENIR RUANO; SSN: 586-60-2968; Residence: San Diego, CA; Born: 17 Apr 1926; Died: 21 Nov 1995; Issued: GU/AS/MP/PI (1961 And 1971)" updated 12/07/02
Homer G. Ruff, CSGSN: Aboard 1951-52. I called him 09/11/02. Not interested in Association. Lives in La Puente, CA.
Bob Lamont Rumble, MM2: Aboard 1967-68. I called him on 05/31/03. He is not interested in the Association. Lives in Idaho Falls, ID. updated 05/31/03
Gerald E. Rush, FC3: Aboard 1943. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Tulsa, OK.
Thomas "Walt." Rusnack, SN. Aboard 1966-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Olney, MD.
Donald Barden Russell, MaM3: Aboard 1945-46
James J. Russell, SN: Aboard 1951-52
John W. Russell, S2c: Aboard 1943. added 01/05/03
Donald Edward Rutland, ENFN Aboard 1961-63. I called him on 06/07/03. Mild interest in Association. Lives in Tallahassee, FL. updated 06/07/03
Arturo Sabale(sp?), STM1: Aboard 1947
Edward J. Sabinsky, F1c Aboard 1942. Probably deceased "EDWARD SABINSKY; SSN 272-03-6656; Residence: 43947 Shadyside, Belmont, OH; Born 30 Aug 1916; Died Sep 1985" Sent 2003 reunion letter to possible relative in Mentor, OH.
Kenneth Richard Saeger, F3c: Aboard 1943. Possibly deceased "KENNETH R SAEGER Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 177-12-5736 Residence: 92021 El Cajon, San Diego, CA
Born 12 Mar 1922 Last Benefit:
NEW: More Records!
Died 21 Mar 1988 Issued: PA (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Matthew Paul Saginaw, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Glenshaw, PA. Possibly deceased "MATTHEW SAGINAW Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 200-14-1698 Residence:
Born 4 Aug 1926 Last Benefit: 15223 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA
Died Sep 1978 Issued: PA (Before 1951)"
William M. Sailor, SN: Aboard 1968.
Allan R. Salik, SK2 Aboard 1968 as SKSR.
I called and spoke with him on 06/07/03. Lives in Waller, TX. updated 06/07/03
Oscar Raul Saldivar, SN: Aboard 1968-69. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Houston, TX.
Dennis Wayne Sanborn, RM3 Aboard 1965-68. Possibly deceased "DENNIS W SANBORN; SSN 558-74-0863; Residence: 34446 Homosassa, Citrus, FL; Born 7 May 1948; Died 8 Jan 2003" Probable Obituary: SANBORN, DENNIS W., 54, of Homosassa, died Wednesday (Jan. 8, 2003) at the James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa. Born in Sacramento, Calif., he came here in 1983 from Texas. He was a Navy veteran who served on the USS Ranger during the Vietnam War. Survivors include his wife Linda; a son, Stuart O' Shannon, Tampa; a daughter, Michelle Shannon, Clearwater; his parents, Clyde & Violet Bryant, Newberg, Ore., a brother, Richard, Tampa. Veterans Cremation & Burial Society, Clearwater. updated 07/05/03
John Arley Sanders, RD2: Aboard 1969.
Richard "Dea." Sanders, SN: Aboard 1966-68.
S.T. Sangalang, TN: Aboard 1956-57
Kenneth R. Sanger, MM3: Aboard 1943-45
David C. Santa Cruz, SFMFN Aboard 1967-68. Interested in Association membership. Lives in Fountain Valley, CA. updated 06/27/03
Victoriano (n) Santiago, TN: Aboard 1951-52. Possibly deceased "VICTORIANO SANTIAGO PIZ; SSN 582-05-4605; Born 15 Jul 1933; Died Apr 1968" updated 05/30/03
Danny J. Santino, FN: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Macalester, OK.
J.B. Santos, SN Aboard 1961.
Rogelio T. Santos, SD3: Aboard 1965.
Herman L. Sapp, SN: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to High Springs, FL.
J.O. Sara, CS2 Aboard 1961.
Alfred M. "Al" Saviano, SA Aboard 1968-70. He is a retired wood shop teacher and builds cabinets. Lives in Natick, MA. updated 07/26/01 Membership EXP 04/02
AO-36 Life Member 63
Paul J. Sawyer, SN
Aboard 1967-68
Reunions Attended: 2003
Aboard 02/67-10/68. Dave and Karen Summers bumped into him at a rest area on the Indiana Toll Road in October 2001. Dave was wearing his Kennebec hat. He is interested in the next reunion. Lives in Dollar Bay, MI. updated with life membership 09/10/02
Clinton LaRue Sayers, S2c: Aboard 1945-46. Possibly deceased "Clinton SAYERS
Birth Date: 19 Aug 1913
Death Date: Dec 1982
Social Security Number: 229-07-4161
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Virginia" Originally from Roanoke, VA. updated 01/22/03
Gerald L. Sayers, MM2: Aboard 1966-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Flint, MI and Minneapolis, MN.
Richard C. Scalf, S1c: Aboard 1943. added 01/05/03
AO-36 Life Member 89
Leslie G. "Les" Schaefer, MM2 Aboard 1951-54
Aboard 1951-54. Dick Hawkins called and spoke with him 05/31/03. He is very interested in the Association and plans to attend the 2003 reunion with his wife, Berni. Lives in Concord, CA. updated with life membership 06/06/03
William H. Schaefer, YN3: Aboard 1947-48
Floyd D. Schardein, FN: Aboard 1950. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Bella Vista, AR.
John L. Schedine, ICFN: Aboard 1954. Sent 2003 reunion letter to La Mesa, CA. added 01/04/03
James M. Scheid, EMFN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Delaware, OH.
Robert H. Schiedt, SA: Aboard 1956
Harry Theodore Schirmer, S1c: Aboard 1945
AO-36 Life Member 68 Gary D. Schlagel, BM3 Aboard 1966-70
Served November 1966 to May 1970. Lives in Valley City, ND. He has a list of approximately 640 names and contacted 10 from Virginia to Alaska. Will submit at a later date. Call me at 701-845-5044 or 701-490-5044. Contacted so far James B. Orendorff, James Schroeder, Charles Stenger, Dennis Solbeg, Richard Labin, John Fee, Mike Eley, James Borman, Russell Burnard, and Richard Obenchain. I speak the dutch double talk. You are right it is easier to speak the dutch double talk. During under way training in 69 the New Oleans Smacked us port side. Took out some 02 level cat walk. Also put a big dent in the ship's store corner. I was on the fan tail as rig 7 was not going over then. weird feeling. Heeled us over 5-10 Degrees probably. Mine sweeper lost variable pitch on prop or something. Their anchor took out a port hole in engineering berthing. 68 or 69 cruise. Maybe 67 cruise Taiwanese destroyer bounced off port fenders. updated email address 02/04/04. Updated 11/09/2020--Gary Schlagel, passed away on 11/02/2020 after suffering with a heart condition caused by exposure from Agent Orange. He served as our Association as President Dec. 2000 through October 2020, and he also served as Association Secretary from October 2016 through October 2020. Rest in peace Gary. Gary's Obit.
Frederick Schlageter, RM2: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Brockport, NY.
Donald K. Schlatter, SN: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Elizabethtown, KY.
Ronald Schlessinger, SN: Aboard 1967-68.
Alan Fred. Schlosser, BT3 Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Buffalo, NY.
John "Jose." Schlosser, SN Aboard 1966-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Arabi, LA.
Richard R. "Dick" Schlough, BM2 Aboard 1964-65. He doesn't know yet about attending the reunion. Lives in Clearlake Oaks, CA. updated 04/29/01
Kenneth George Schmidt, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to O'Fallon, OH.
Robert L. Schneider, EMFN: Aboard 1957
James "Ga." Schoenbeck, SN: Aboard 1967-69. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Avon Park, FL. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Lakewood, OH.
Richard "Dick" Schoenbeck, BM3: Aboard 1966-68. From OH. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Denver, CO.
Samuel L. Scholp, FN: Aboard 1951
AO-36 Life Member 76
Richard L. "Dick" Schreifels, BMCS
Aboard 1966-67 as BM2
AO-36 Life Member 109
Jeff HD. "Blondie" Schuenemann, QM3 Aboard 1966-68
Reunions Attended: 2003, 2004, 2005
Aboard 1966-68 as SN. It would be great to join Gary Schlagel, Bollinger and several others who served with me on the oiler during 1966 to 1968. I live in the state of Washington, and we have a huge naval base here along with a submarine base. I can only commit to two years, for I plan on going back to Germany and Switzerland to live in 2005. I have all my family there, with the exception of my son who also lives in this state. Gary can fill you in a lot more, I sent him a long e-mail about myself. Received 05/08/04, "Just to let you know, April the 30th, 2004, was my last day of work, I'm officially retired at this time. I'll be spending lots of time fishing, gold prospecting( I'm a member of the, Gold prospectors of America Association), traveling and also be getting together with my shipmates that live in my area," Lives in Puyallup, WA. removed email address and address 08/28/05
Jerome W. "Jerry" Schuler, MM3 Aboard in 1964-65. Probably deceased "JEROME W SCHULER; SSN 566-58-9502; Residence: 95240 Lodi, San Joaquin, CA; Born 12 Dec 1945; Died 28 Dec 1996" Lived in Lodi, CA. updated 05/30/03
Jack Preston Schultz, EM2 Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Saint Charles, IL.
Stephen E. Schultz, SFM2 Aboard 1961.
David W. Schurman, MMFN: Aboard 1970. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Pasadena, MD (insufficient address).
William Schwentker, SN: Aboard 1968-69. Dick called Lake Ozark, MO (not him)
Carl Sciangalepore, FN: Aboard 1965. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Ontario, CA. Might have lived in McMinnville, OR.
Thomas G. Scoglang (Scogland?), BTG1: Aboard 1951. Possibly deceased "THOMAS G SCOGLAND; SSN 550-38-7802; Residence: 94520 Concord, Contra Costa, CA; Born 7 Jun 1922; Died 22 Feb 2001" Sent 2003 reunion letter to Concord, CA.
Charles (n) Scott, St2: Aboard 1943-46
Marshall (n) Scott, AS Aboard 1942
Ralph L. Scott, SK1: Aboard 1966-68.
Rex D. Scott See Chiefs page. Aboard 1961-62 as SFP2. He called 08/12/04 and he very interested in the Association. Lives in La Mesa, CA. updated 08/12/04
William A. Scrivnor, AS Aboard 1942
Joseph "Victo." Seanez, SN: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to El Paso, TX.
Thomas Eric "Tom" Searle, SN Aboard 1963-65. Sent 2002 reunion letter to San Fernando, CA (not known) and Houston, TX. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Houston, TX.
Paul R. Searles, BM3 Aboard 1963-65. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Fort Worth, TX (not at address).
William R. Sears, S1: Aboard 1946-47
Lawrence "Larry" Charlie See
MM3, Aboard 1965-68
Sent 2002 reunion letter to Eldridge, IA. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Fort Worth, TX.
We received word from Larry's daughter, Katrina See, on 03/30/2015: "I’m writing to inform you that my Father, Lawrence ‘Larry’ See, passed away on November 17, 2014. He was always proud of his service in the Navy and his time spent with the USS Kennebec." Larry's Obit
Kenneth C. Sellers, FA Aboard 1961-62.
Issac "An." Sensabaugh, SA: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Mount Carmel, TN.
G.C. Sesky, SN Aboard 1961.
Clifford W. Setzer, MM1: Aboard 1962-64. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Virginia Beach, VA. Dick called Lawrenceville, PA (not him).
Robert Leroy Seward, MoMM3: Aboard 1944. added 01/05/03
Raymond (n) Seymour, Jr., SK3: Aboard 1942-44
Roger A. Seymour, FA: Aboard 1948
Chandos "Lamo." Shaddy, IC1: Aboard 1969-70. Probably deceased "CHANDOS L SHADDY; SSN 544-42-8146; Born 4 Dec 1939; Died 15 May 1998" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Harrisburg, OR. updated 05/30/03
Robert A. Sharpnack, BT2 Aboard 1968-70. Craig Jacobson e-mailed, "Bob, I regretfully have to say, died of complications from stomach cancer in the late 70's." updated 07/26/01
David "Dona." Shattuck, RD3: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Redmond, WA. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Kirkland, WA. updated 11/21/02
Charles E. "Chuck" Shaw, FTG3: Aboard 1965-67. He worked for Boeing Co. until his retirement on June 1, 2000. He passed away June 21, 2001, at the age of 60. updated 07/27/01
Chester L. Shaw, SM2: Aboard 1966-68.
AO-36 Life Member 131
Claude W. "Bill" Shea, MM1
Aboard 1943-45
I served on the Kennebec from June 1943 to August 1945. I first bordered the AO36 in Newfoundland. I was a MM2. Anyone remember the big storm that took off all the boats and superstructure on our way back from Newfounland? Served when we had the big storm and lost all top side rigging,Boats, well deck and guns. Also ran over a depth charge and the U 505 Sub. deal. Didn't the DD Borie sink a sub in hand to hand combat during a convoy crossing. It seem I could see the gun flashes on that deal. Any one you know of during my era? Being now 80+ I don't think I can travel to VA. this year. I transferred to the Mattoponi in 44 to 46. Picture of a ships dance in New York Feb 17, 1944. VERY LITTLE INFORMATION ON THE OLD TIMERS. I HAVE LOTS OF TAILS OF THE EARLY DAYS. WHAT DD HAD THE HAND TO HAND COMBAT WITH THE SUB? THE SHIP WAS THERE. IN THE N. ATLANTIC 1943. Lives in Kenmore, WA. updated email and added IM addresses 12/26/04
AO-36 Life Member 123
John S. Shepherd, DC3 Aboard 1965-68
Aboard 1965-07/10/68. Sergeant First Class retired in Calif Army National Guard. Interested in 2001 reunion. Lives in Redding, CA. updated with life membership 02/21/05
Ralph A. Shepherd, AS Aboard 1942
Ronney R. "Ron" Sheppard, CS3
Aboard 1967-68. I called him on 06/07/03. He plans to attend the 2003 reunion with his wife, Patricia. He is a retired San Francisco police officer. Lives in Martinez, CA. 06/07/03
Thomas M. Sheppard, AS Aboard 1942
John A. Shettel, FN Aboard 1952-54
James T. Shipman, RM1: Aboard 1945-46 I called him on 05/11/03. He was only aboard 2-3 months. Lives in Belington, WV. updated 05/11/03
G.D. Shircliffe, SN: Aboard 1951-52. I called him 09/11/02. Not interested in Association. Lives in Walnut, CA. updated 09/11/02
Marion A. Shiver, SN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Manchester, GA.
Wade H. Shiver, S2c: Aboard 1942. Probably deceased "WADE H SHIVER; SSN 266-38-8595; Residence: 32344 Monticello, Jefferson, FL; Born 25 Aug 1922; Died 15 Mar 2001" updated 05/30/03
William C. Short, Jr., YN1: Aboard 1967. added 01/14/03
Herbert W. Shrieves, AS
Aboard 1942. Probably deceased "HERBERT SHRIEVES; SSN 218-16-100%5; Residence: 21822 Eden, Worcester, MD; Born 18 Sep 1923; Died Sep 1980" updated 06/01/03
James R. Shrimplin, QM2: Aboard 1963-64. Possibly deceased "JAMES SHRIMPLIN 25 Feb 1942 Nov 1984 (not specified) (none specified) 478-48-7565 Iowa"
Arvin Judson Shuemake, S1c: Aboard 1944-46
Ralph (n) Shuford, S1c: Aboard 1944-46. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Clover, SC.
Tom Franklin Shuford, S1c: Aboard 1944-45. Possibly deceased "TOM F SHUFORD Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 238-12-5283 Residence: 28658 Newton, Catawba, NC
Born 29 Aug 1912 Last Benefit:
NEW: More Records!
Died 19 Aug 1990 Issued: NC (Before 1951)" Originally from Alexis, NC.
Steve Shultz, SF2
Arvin Judson Shuemake, S2c: Aboard 1944. Originally from Carrollton, GA. added 01/05/03
Ralph (n) Shuford, S2c: Aboard 1944. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Clover, SC. added 01/05/03
Tom Franklin Shuford, S2c: Aboard 1944. Possibly deceased "TOM F SHUFORD 29 Aug 1912 19 Aug 1990 28658 (Newton, Catawba, NC) (none specified) 238-12-5283 North Carolina" added 01/05/03
Erie W. Shuman, MMFN: Aboard 1950. Probably deceased "ERIE SHUMAN
SSN: 181-22-4239
Last Residence:
Born: 7 Jan 1932
Last Benefit: 90608 Whittier, Los Angeles, CA
Died: Dec 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: PA" "SHUMAN ERIE W MALE 7 Jan 1932 11 Dec 1976 PENNSYLVANIA LOS ANGELES 181224239"
AO-36 Life Member 111
James B. "Jim" Shurmack, SM3
Aboard 1961-63 as a SMSN
I served on the Kennebec from September 1961 to February 1963 as a SMSN. Ray Wine was my PO. Signalman 3rd class. I was then transfered to the Mount Baker AE-4. I remember a guy named Tobey who I used to lend $$$ to as well as a lot of other guys. 5 for 7 was the rate. Anyway I think Tobey got transfered some place and he stills owes me some money. oh well. I got on board and took the sea trials with the rest of them. We then left N. Y. and went down though the Panama Canal and up the west coast to San Francisco. Ray Wine was my PO signalman 3rd class. I have some pictures of him and other ship mates. I took lots of 8mm tapes (movies) and still have them. I had a good time and a great learning experience. I still have the Kennebec ash tray I bought back then. I wrote a note to a guy named Markovich who I have a picture of him and I standing together, but then as most of us did was just wrote the last name on most of the pictures. Hope I got the right guy. Too far back for a old man (59) like me to remember. Like I said I was only on board for a short time. You did a "great " job on the web site. Keep up the good work. I retired fom GM 4 years ago after 34 years. Hard to remember that far back. Lives in Alto, MI. updated with life membership 06/28/04. Jim's wife Linda passed away 12/10/2009, click here for her obit.
AO-36 Life Member 47
Arthur C. "Art" Siebert, MM2 Aboard 1943-46
He was definitely interested in going to the first 2001 reunion. He was aboard when the German sub was captured. He saw it when they refueled the Guadalcanal. He almost went to the task force reunion. Lives in Albany, NY. added 06/14/01. In June 2018, we received sad word that Art passed away on 12/26/2017, click here for his obit.
Raymond "Wil." Siebert, SN: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Pullman, WA.
Donald L. Siefkas, SN Aboard 1963-65. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Tampa, FL.
Calvin W. "Bruce" Siekierski, RM3
Aboard 1961-62. Lives in Willoughby, OH. updated 05/28/01
Paul Silvia, Jr., FN: Aboard 1949-50
Wilbert J. Silva, Jr., SFM3: Aboard 1963-65. Lives in Victor, MT. updated 05/24/01
Herbert H. Similton, DC1 Aboard 1961-63. Possibly deceased "SIMILTON HERBERT H; 18 Sep 1929 - 13 Jul 1973; ALABAMA; CONTRA COSTA, CA; 423263939" updated 06/04/03
Norman R. Simmons, ET2: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Lonoke, AR. 02/23/03 send email via
Dorman M. Simmons, DC1: Aboard 1949-50. Probably deceased "SIMMONS DORMAN M MALE 7 Oct 1921 6 Nov 1973 TEXAS SAN DIEGO 454242218"
Abraham (n) Simon, SK3: Aboard 1943
John Alford Simon, SH3: Aboard 1963-65.
Michael "Dav." Simpson, FN: Aboard 1968.
C.E. Singletary, S1: Aboard 1946
Robert K. Singletary, SN: Aboard 1967-68.
Tommy D. Singleton, SN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Birmingham, AL.
Edward (n) Sisk, Jr., MEG2: Aboard 1951-52
Paul (n) Siniawski, MM2: Aboard 1943-45. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Tallahassee, FL. Corrected name from Siwiawski 12/11/02
Clayton "Ste." Skacall, SN: Aboard 1966-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Homer, NY (not deliverable as addressed) and Boonville, NC.
AO-36 Life Member 182
Ernest W. "Ernie" Skelton, MML2
Aboard 1951-52
Reuions Attended: 2004, 2005, 2006
I (Dick Hawkins) called and spoke with him on 06/07/03. His wife has had several strokes and they don't get out much. His daughter-in-law, Cheryl, emailed me 08/25/04 and advised that his wife passed away in December 2003. He plans to attend the 2004 reunion and is looking very much forward to it. Lives in Marblehead, MA. updated with membership 08/31/04. Ernie received a plaque award during the 2006 Reunion as the oldest in attendance. Received 4/8/07 from Bill & Cheryl Skelton, Ernie's son and daughter-in-law: "Sadly Dad passed away yesterday April 7th 2007 at 1:49 in the morning.
He was comfortable, and had no pain. God's Blessing for that!"
Noel H. Skerry, IC3: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Barre, MA.
AO-36 Life Member 145
Thomas J. "Tom" Skindzier, BM2
Aboard 1953-54 as BM3
This is a fantastic Web Page! I am happy that I received your letter by mail and I would love to become a member! Fond memories! Interested in 2002 reunion. Lives in Pittsburgh, PA. updated with photos 01/19/03.
Received word from Kevin & Darlene Moots on 3/23/2012, that Thomas passed away on Oct. 28, 2011. View Obit.
Homer L. Skorkowsky, EM2: Aboard 1942-43. added 01/05/03
George H. Slaughter, BM1: Aboard 1966-68.
Donald Herman Slavinski, EM2: Aboard 1943-45. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Leonard W. Slawson, SC1 Aboard 1942
Arvid J. Sletten, FN Aboard 1953-54. Probably deceased "ARVID J SLETTEN Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 536-28-4577 Residence: 98520 Aberdeen, Grays Harbor, WA
Born 31 May 1932 Last Benefit:
Died 14 Oct 1994" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Hoquiam, WA. updated 06/04/03
Frank J. Sloden, F2c: Aboard 1943. added 01/05/03
John R. Sluder, Jr., S1c: Aboard 1942-43. added 01/05/03
Erskine E. Smart, F2c Aboard 1942. Possibly deceased. From Residence: 35045 Clanton, Chilton, AL; Born 14 Oct 1922; Died 10 Dec 2000.
Robert N. "Bob" Smeland, EM3 Aboard 1952-54. Home port was San Pedro,CA. Went to the north pole on her, as well as Pearl, Pannama, Aruba. Since I live in the East, it would be easier if a meeting were held this side of the US. Lives in New Hartford, NY.
Arthur D. Smith, S2c: Aboard 1942. added 01/03/03
Billy G. Smith, SN: Aboard 1952-54
Boyd Henry Smith, Jr., SN: Aboard 1967-68. 06/02/03 sent email via
Bradley "Rando." Smith, SM3: Aboard 1965-68.
Charles Welton Smith, Jr., MM1: Aboard 1943-44. added 01/05/03
Dennis D. Smith, SA: Aboard 1970.
AO-36 Life Member 42
Donald L. Smith, QMSN
Aboard 1952-54
Aboard in March 1952-54 and was a striker for the Quartermaster gang. Aboard at decommissioning. Home port was San Francisco, CA. Lives in Griffin, GA., added 02/11/02. Update: Received word from Donald's son, Kim Richard Smith, on 12/02/2018, stating that our fellow shipmate, Donald L. Smith, passed away on
Nov. 7, 2018, at the age of 85 years. Don was a barber and enjoyed being around children, fishing and going to church. Donald's son commented: "My dad was very proud to have served on the Kennebec and spoke of her his whole life." Donald's Obit.
Edward L. Smith, SA: Aboard 1952-53
Edward Warren Smith, SN: Aboard 1967-68.
Elsworth Manning Smith, S1c: Aboard 1945
Elvin M. Smith, BM2: Aboard 1965. Enlisted 12/47.
Ernest E. Smith, ET2 Aboard 1961-62.
Gary (NMI) Smith, SA: Aboard 1969-70.
Gary W. Smith, SK3: Aboard 1968.
Gerald D. Smith, SM1: Aboard 1969-70.
Harold N. Smith, FA
Harry Clinton Smith, BM2: Aboard 1943-45. Served with Georgia Highway Patrol. Wife Martha. Last known home Grantville, GA. added 07/16/01
Hubert W. Smith, RDSA: Aboard 1952-53. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Bessemer, AL.
Hugh R. Smith, CCstd: Aboard 1942. added 01/03/03
J.B. Smith, CS1: Aboard 1951-53
James O. Smith, Jr., SN: Aboard 1952-54
James Willard Smith, Cox: Aboard 1942-44
John A. Smith, FN: Aboard 1951-52
Leonard E. Smith, Jr., S2c Aboard 1942
Larry LeRoy Smith, MMFA: Aboard 1962.
Merlin R. Smith, FN: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Rigby, ID.
Michael F. Smith, FN: Aboard 1968-69.
Nathaniel "Elm." Smith, SK3: Aboard 1966-68.
Ollie G. Smith, RDSN: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Grand Blanc, MI and Spring, TX. Per, lives in TX. emailed 07/26/04. Unable to attend 2004 reunion but interested in future ones. updated 07/26/04
Paul Raymond Smith, BM3 Aboard 1961-63.
Richard Eugene Smith, CS3 Aboard 1965-68. From KY.
Robert Jerome Smith, FA: Aboard 1968-69.
Robert L. Smith, Jr.: Aboard 1963-64.
Robert Lee Smith, S1c: Aboard 1944. added 01/05/03
Roger J. Smith MM3: Aboard 1956-57
Roland Edward Smith, SN: Aboard 1965-67. added 01/12/03
Ronald E. "Sidel" Smith, SN, Aboard 1965. Lived in Newport, KY. updated 06/27/01
Ronald Tracy Smith, MM3: Aboard 1964-68.
Tracy Smith Lives in Turlock, CA.
William "Bill" Smith, Postal Clerk Aboard 1961-62.
William F. Smith BM3: Aboard 1956-57
William L. Smith, BM3 Aboard 1961-64.
Otis L. Snarr, AS Aboard 1942
Ralph Edward Sneed, S2c: Aboard 1945-46. Originally from Hickbery, NC. Possibly deceased "Ralph SNEED
Birth Date:
Death Date: Jul 1958
Social Security Number: 238-03-4873
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: North Carolina" updated 01/22/03
Roy L. Snelson, GM1: Aboard 1951-54. Possibly deceased "ROY L SNELSON; 12 Apr 1917 - 21 May 1990; SS# 536-14-5895 Washington" updated 12/21/02
AO-36 Life Member 46
Kenneth L. "Ken" Snyder, PN2 Aboard 1953
Reunions Attended: 2003
Passed away in 2005. Aboard from 4/53 to 12/53. Regarding the history of AO-36, I was aboard in 1953 when we went on a refueling mission to Icy Cape, Alaska. The history does not mention that Commander Parker was the CO during that trip. He left the Kennebec when we returned to San Pedro in the fall. Do you know of anyone else who made the Icy Cape trip in 1953? Lived in Sacramento, CA.
Frank R. Sobczak, BM2 Aboard 1961-62.
Robert A. Sohlien(sp?), END1: Aboard 1951
AO-36 Life Member 84 Dennis L. Solberg, DK2
Aboard 1966-70
Reunions Attended: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
I served aboard Kennebec from Nov. 1966 to May 1970 except for going to Disbursing Clerk School for 2 months in San Diego. Discharged off the ship when it was being decommissioned in Vallejo, CA After discharge, I went to the University of South Dakota. Graduated in 1974 and worked for a large corporation for 4 years. In 1978 started my own business, a weekly newspaper/shopper in Watertown, S. D. After 20 years of hard work, we decided to slow down and sold the paper in 1998. I agreed to manage the paper for two years during transission after the sale. I'm now exploring other options. During the 20 years of ownership of the paper, my wife and I only had 4 or 5 vacations, so we decided to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary traveling around Europe for a month. We traveled through most countries from Norway and Sweden to France to Italy to Hungray to the Ukraine. Enjoyed the travel as I did to most of the ports in the Western Pacific. My wife and I have 2 sons and 2 twin grand daughters. My life in a nutshell. I remember most names and alot of faces as you passed through the pay line and going on liberty with serveral of you. Enjoy the memories and look forward to a reunion. I would like to read more about what everyone has been up to in the last 30 years on this web site. I think it is a great site and appreciate the work everyone is going through to make this web site possible. Lives in Watertown, SD. updated email address 06/15/03
Radford I. Sorensen, RM3: Aboard 1949-50. Stan Deister told me Radford passed away. "Name: Radford I Sorensen; SSN: 533-22-9514; Place of Death: Belleview; Age: 54 years;
Date of Death: 02 Sep 1982" updated 06/08/03
John L. Sorlie, Jr., F2c: Aboard 1942c. Aboard 1942 Got your card. How the heck did you find me? Yes, I shipped out on the old KEN. I went aboard before it was commisioned. I Was transfered from the USS MELVILLE stationed in Rhode Island. That was in late 41. I Made many trips on her l live here in RUTLEDGE, MN. I was in the black gang and one of the whale boat crews. We shipped on East coast mostly and invasion of North Africa. I was sure surprised when I got your card. Dick when did you ship out on her? I Wasn't on her very long. Got transferred to the USS YORKTOWN and was one of that commisioning crew. Served out the war on her. Came home on the USS IOWA. So what is this reunion about? Send me more info. Good to hear from old shipmates. I would like to know how to get info on the Yorktown. Maybe you could help? Your help would be appreciated.I just had a birthday Jan. 26. I'm 78 yrs. young. I work part time at Hinckley Casino. I have a small woodworking business in my spare time. I have been divorced since 1979 and never remarried. Gunshy. I have a nice home up north. Peace and quiet, sometimes too quiet, then I go to see my family in the cities. I just started to learn the computer still feeling my way around with it. When im home I am in my shop filling customer orders Hope you answer. Would like to get news of the old gal. I kind of grew up on her just a young punk when I served on her. Adios from a fomer shellback, ha ha. updated email address 05/27/04
Aboard 11-63 to 08-66. Lives in Littleton, CO.
updated email address 01/22/03
Update 12/2010: Rick was elected the USS Kennebec Assoc. Treasurer during the Oct. 2010 Reunion in Branson, MO.
AO-36 Life Member 114
Donald E. "Don" Spargur, BTG3
Aboard 1951-51 as FN
Reunions Attended: 2003, 2006
Aboard 01/51-07/51 as FN. He called Dick Hawkins 07/15/03 and was thinking of attending the 2003 reunion. Lives in Medford, OR.
updated with life membership 08/28/04
Warren D. Sparks, FN: Aboard 1949-50. Called Yucca Valley on 05/11/03. Not him. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Hialeah, FL.
W.S. Spearman, MML3: Aboard 1951-52. He wrote a letter dated 11/10/02, "I am returning you a note to let you know I'm still around. I live about 30 miles from Waco and about 1 mile out of Hubbard, TX, on my ranch. I do nothing but raise cattle and see after my grass. I also look after my wife, who is in a wheelchair. So, I don't get around much, but please keep me informed." Lives in Hubbard, TX. updated 11/15/02
Robert E Spelman, WT2 Aboard 1942. Possibly deceased. From Residence: 14622 Rochester, Monroe, NY; Born 4 Oct 1914; Died 30 Sep 1994.
Michael Lee Spence, SN: Aboard 1969.
Della Howard Spencer, BT2: Aboard 1962-64. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Ossian, IN.
Harold W. Sperry, Jr., FN: Aboard 1948-49. Possibly deceased. From "Residence: Saint Augustine, FL; Born: 2 Feb 1930; Died 2 Sep 2000." Sent 2002 reunion letter to St. Augustine, FL (not at this address).
Harvey D. Spiars, RM3: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to San Antonio, TX.
Monty B. Spoon, DCFN: Aboard 1964. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Port Angeles, WA. added 01/07/03
Charles R. Sprayberry, SM3: Aboard 1962-64. Came aboard as a SN. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Dickinson, TX. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Atlanta, GA (return to sender).
Update 05/09/11 became a member, lives in Katy, TX. Contact info available in membership area.
Francis J. Stacey, Sea1c Aboard 1942
Larry Phillip Stage, DKSN: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Gresham, OR.
Carlyle E. Stalker, SK2: Aboard 1951-52. Probably deceased "STALKER CARLYLE E 05/06/1930 BIRKHOLZ M KERN 01/30/1968 484-28-4623 37 yrs "
David N. Stan, BM3 Aboard 1967-70. Live in Hayward, CA. updated 07/31/03
Michael J. Stanford, Jr., EMP3: Aboard 1951. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Staten Island, NY.
Robert "Thu." Stanford, SN: Aboard 1968-69.
AO-36 Life Member 30 Dennis R. "Gabby" Stangle, MM2 Aboard 1962-66
Went aboard USS Kennebec 1962-66. Went aboard as fireman duece in the engine room. Ended making 2nd class IN SAME ENGINE ROOM! Have no idea what engine rooms look like on other ships! Did you know that I served with 5 captains aboard the Kennebec? Captain DeLorenzo was my first then came Captain House, Captain DiCori, Captain Morton, and Captain Almy. Spent 33 yrs in Calif., worked as a stationery engineer for 9 yrs in dairy. Got boiler contractors license, started building dry cleaning plants, went on to build over 50 in the central valley, including Folsom and Mule Creek prisons. Retired 6 yrs ago and moved to Oklahoma. Couldn't stand retirement, so started building houses!! Been a General Contractor for the last 4 yrs. Have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren. Made 3 trips to WestPac, 2 trips to VietNam. Would love to talk to old shipmates. Does anyone know where she it or what became of her? Living in Wilson, OK. updated 05/07/01
Merle O. Stare, FN: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Anaheim, CA.
James Lamar Stark, SA: Aboard 1965. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Lititz, PA and Waunakee, WI.
Albert J. Stclair, RD3: Aboard 1966-68. Enlisted 1949.
James Ray "Jim" Stearns, Jr., EM3 Aboard 1967-69. Lives in Douglasville, GA. updated 06/20/02
Deward Steele, Jr., S1 Aboard 1947
Earl Leopold Steinhauer, S1c: Aboard 1944-45
Frederick N. Stephan, ENFN Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Rivera, AZ (unknown) and Edgewater, CT.
Robert S. Stephan, Jr., SN Aboard 1963-65. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Dana Point, CA.
Thomas E. Stephan: Aboard 1963. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Clearwater, FL.
William R. Stephen, SN: Aboard 1948-49
Carl Raymond Stephens, Jr., S1c: Aboard 1945-46
Edgar B. Stephens, S1: Aboard 1946-48
Kenneth L. Stephens, FA: Aboard 1948
Gene C. Stevens: Aboard 25 Dec 46
James B. Stevens, SH2: Aboard 1952. added 01/04/03
Clyde Stevenson, Jr., HM3: Aboard 1964.
Hanford A. Stevenson: Aboard 25 Dec 46
Olin B. Stevenson, BTFN: Aboard 1948-50. Called him on 06/21/03. He is interested in attending the 2003 reunion. Lives in Sanger, TX. updated 06/21/03
AO-36 Life Member 141
Larry R. Stewart, ETN3
Aboard 1966-67
Larry became a Life Member in 2012. He and Jqacklyn live in Hawkins, TX. Contact information is available to membership. Updated 06/13/12.
Ronald B. "Ron" Stewart, GMG2 Aboard 1967-70. Lives in Magnolia, TX. updated with membership 08/19/03 Membership EXP 08/04
Erwin George Stickney, MM3: Aboard 1945-46. Possibly deceased "ERWIN STICKNEY Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 042-14-4993 Residence: 06413 Clinton, Middlesex, CT
Born 9 Sep 1922 Last Benefit:
Died Apr 1984 Issued: CT (Before 1951)" updated 12/13/02
Terrence R. "Terry" Stiff, SN Aboard 1967-69. I was on the ship the end of 1967-1969. I ran the sail locker. Lives in San Bruno, CA. updated with membership 09/20/03 Membership EXP 09-04
Roger D. Stillman, YN3 Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Minneapolis, MN.
Murill C. Stinnett, SN: Aboard 1946-49. He called me 07/21/02 and won't be able to attend 2002 reunion. Lives in Madison, WI.
John E. Stockman, FN: Aboard 1956-57
Jerry F. Stoddard, SA: Aboard 1963-64. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Las Vegas, NV (not known).
Loyd L. Stone, MML1 Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to St. Louis, MO.
Roy G. Stone, PN3 Aboard 1962-63. Went aboard in Dec l962 at Hunters Point Naval Ship Yard, San Francisco. She had just been re-commissioned and brought to the West coast from the yard on the East Coast. She was a mess, however we, the crew, got her in pretty good shape and left for San Diego in January for underway training. Left for West Pac in February I think. It's been a long time. Returned to San Francisco a year later and was discharged from the ship. I was a PN3. Returned to Southern California and went back to college. Retired from Riverside County Sheriff's Dept. Presently living in Hemet, Calif. about 30 miles west of Palm Springs. Anxiously awaiting your reply. I'm excited about being a part of the Association. Won't be able to make the 2002 reunion but will plan for the future. Lives in Hemet, CA. updated email address 03/22/04 Membership EXP 11/05
Sheldon J. Storm, FN: Aboard 1948-50. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Brandon, OR.
Ire J. Stout: Aboard 25 Dec 46
Olen H. Stowe, SN: Aboard 1963. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Willows, CA.
David Charles Strack, GMG3 Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Waterloo, IA (not him) and Oakland, NJ.
Charles L. Strange, Jr., QM2: Aboard 1951-54. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Danville, IL.
Gary Eugene Strange, MM2: Aboard 1962.
James "Jim" Strange, BM3 Aboard 1951-54. updated with photo 01/19/03
Donald W. Streun, YN3: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Glen Rose, TX (not deliverable). Sent 2003 reunion letter to Roseville, CA.
Willie W. Strickland, BM1: Aboard 1952. added 01/04/03
Timothy M. Strinz, SK3: Aboard 1968. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Pleasant Hill, OR.
Lloyd Strong, CS2: Aboard 1970.
Michael Raymond Strong, SN: Aboard 1965. Enlisted 07/60.
Carl Strohpaul Aboard in mid-1940s. Probably deceased "CARL L STROHPAUL Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 378-22-9200 Residence:
Born 18 May 1928 Last Benefit:
Died 1 May 1991 Issued: MI" Originally from Grand Rapids, MI. added 06/04/03
Donald E. Strother, CK3: Aboard 1947-48. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Stafford, VA (not him).
Lawrence L. Strother, SD1: Aboard 1952. Possibly deceased "LAWRENCE L STROTHER 26 Apr 1922 19 Jun 1995 67114 (Newton, Harvey, KS) (none specified) 481-14-9904 Iowa" added 01/04/03
Donald J. Strothkamp, YN3: Aboard 1963-67. Lives in Billings, OR. updated 05/24/01
Harold Earl Strout, MM2: Aboard 1943-44. Probably deceased "HAROLD E STROUT Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 006-14-7503 Residence: 04578 Wiscasset, Lincoln, ME
Born 11 Apr 1924 Last Benefit:
Died 30 Mar 2000 Issued: ME" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Wiscasset, ME. updated 06/04/03
John A. Sturgeon, MM2: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion letter to San Marino, CA (not him).
Harry O. Styer, MR2: Aboard 1964. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Hackettstown, NJ.
Casimir John Stys, Ptr1: Aboard 1942-45. Possibly deceased "CASIMIR STYS Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 351-26-3402 Residence: 85226 Chandler, Maricopa, AZ
Born 27 Oct 1925 Last Benefit:
Died 11 Feb 1999 Issued: IL (1951)"
Tuvai P. Sua, GMG3: Aboard 1965. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to San Jose, CA.
AO-36 Honorary Life Member 141
John H. Sugalski, Cox3
Aboard 1945-47
Reunion Attendance: 2002, 2003, 2004
He called on June 23, 2002, and said he and wife Dorothy plan to attend 2002 reunion. John passed away December 3, 2004. Published in the Asbury Park Press 12/5/04
JOHN H. SUGALSKI, 81, of the Bayville section of BERKELEY, died Friday, Dec. 3, at Community Medical Center, Toms River. Mr. Sugalski was a truck driver for Oneida Trucking Company, Carlstadt, for 16 years, retiring 20 years ago. He was then appointed and served as chairman of the Municipal Utilities Association of Berkeley Township for five years. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, serving aboard the USS Kennebec. Mr. Sugalski was member and past president of the Men's Seniors of Berkeley Township. Born in Lyndhurst, he lived there all his life prior to moving to Bayville in 1984. Surviving are his wife of 50 years, Dorothy Sugalski; a daughter and son-in-law, Jean and Walter DeCapitani; a brother, Raymond; a sister, Barbara Tuzzio, and two granddaughters, Shanna and Kristin. Lived in Bayville, NJ. updated 12/19/04
Glenn E. Suhr, SN Wife Judy. Unable to attend 2001 reunion. Lives in Norfolk, NE. updated 08/28/01
James B. Suits, WT3: Aboard 1945-46. Letter received 02/26/02. "If nothing happens, I am planning to attend the reunion in 2002." Sent 2002 reunion postcard. Lives in Jacksonville, FL.
Charles W. Sullivan, SN: Aboard 1957-58. 02/23/03 send email via Update 9/27/2012: Charles and his wife Josephine are living in Gautier, MS. Members may get their contact info in the membership area.
Francis W. Sullivan, SN: Aboard 1946-48
Kenneth "Ar." Sullivan, QMSN: Aboard 1968.
AO-36 Life Member 157
Leonard E. Sullivan, YN1
Aboard 1947-48 as SN
Updated 08/02/0: Had plans to attend 2001 reunion. Lives in Tucson, AZ. Received word 4/17/07 from Ellie Sullivan, wife of Leonard E. Sullivan: "I'm sad to inform you that my husband, Leonard E. Sullivan, died on January 20, 2007....His ashes were sent to Bremerton, WA in February for transport to the So. Pacific and scattering. The Navy will sent us the photo of the ceremony which will be taken with the camera we provided at the Navy's request."
Terry Robert Sullivan, SN: Aboard 1965.
William L. Sullivan, SN: Aboard 1951
David Sumlin, SN: Aboard 1969. added 01/12/03
Noble R. Suter, SA: Aboard 1948. Probably deceased "NOBLE B SUTER Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 493-36-9799 Residence: 65802 Springfield, Greene, MO
Born 24 May 1930 Last Benefit:
Died 8 Dec 1993 Issued: MO" updated 06/04/03
Tilden R. Sutherland, Jr. S1: Aboard 1946-48. His daughter, Laura, advised he passed away in early 2002. "TILDEN R SUTHERLAND Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 386-22-1153 Residence: 33805 Lakeland, Polk, FL
Born 11 Nov 1927 Last Benefit:
Died 20 Jan 2002 Issued: MI" updated 06/04/03
Arthur E. Sutton, FA: Aboard 1948-50. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Loma Linda, CA.
Junior Ervin Swartz, S2c: Aboard 1944
Clarke (n) Swift, MoMM3: Aboard 1944-45. Probably deceased "CLARKE SWIFT Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 133-12-5277 Residence: 83705 Boise, Ada, ID
Born 19 Mar 1915 Last Benefit:
Died 23 Oct 1998 Issued: NY" updated 06/04/03
Arthur Swiger, BT3: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Lawton, OK.
Richard Timothy "Tim" Symons, SN Aboard 1965-68.
Bruce Norman Syska, RMSN: Aboard 1963-64.
David (n) Szabo, S1c: Aboard 1945. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Hauppauge, NY. Possibly deceased "DAVID SZABO Request Information (SS-5)
SSN 046-01-6479 Residence: 06854 Norwalk, Fairfield, CT
Born 9 Dec 1917 Last Benefit: 06850 Norwalk, Fairfield, CT
Died Dec 1980 Issued: CT (Before 1951)"