

The webmaster has created Web pages for these shipmates. There are groups of photos for each.
Rich Armstrong
Terry Bays
L. Blake (video clip)
Bud Blessey
Bud Blessey 2
Bill Bonaker
Rudolf Breddernan
Tom Brennen
Jimmie Brookey
Ray Bullis
Russell Burnard
Danny Campbell
Linn Davis
F. Delorenzo (video clip)
John Fee
Jim Garrett
Dale Garriotte
William Greenfield
Ted Hart
P. Hatori (video clip)
Dick Hawkins
Mike Hayes
Allyn Higdem
H. Holden (video clip)
Frank Kienic
Richard Kopps
Charlie Miner
Tony Otanez
James Orendorff
Dale Pastore
Bob Pivin (video clip)
Tom Plank
Warren Rasmus
Dick Schreifels
Jim Shurmack
Thomas Skindzier
Bob Smeland
Roland Smith
Edwin Taberski
Greg Vodak
Ron Waner
John Wight
Lonnie Wilson
Bill Yancey

These were put in date order to make it easier for shipmates to find the era they were from.

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec in Shanghai, China, on December 28, 1945 (Courtesy Charlie Miner)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec Itinarary (Courtesy Henry Mokas)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec in the late 1940's. (Courtesy Dave Summers)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes A cold day abord AO-36 showing snow on deck "possibly in 1948 in Korea where we offloaded oil; the only snow I ever saw 30 miles out to sea, also," adds Rich Armstrong) (Courtesy Dave Summers)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec at anchor in Shanghai, China "in '48 or '49; we offloaded a large transmitter onto a tug boat. We lost it and it almost went through the stern sheets of the tug but managed to save it," adds Rich Armstrong. (Courtesy Dave Summers)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes USS Kennebec with Paddy the dog (Courtesy Alice McLeod)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec's Entire Crew on 29 June 1951 with 3 shipmates so far identified (Courtesy Tony Kauzlarich and Dale Pastore) 56K modem and slower should view one section at a time. camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes1st camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes2nd camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes3rd camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes4th
1951-54 Shipmates (courtesy Bill Bonaker)

AO-36 as taken from Golden Gate Bridge (courtesy Bob Bartlett) (added 10/13/04)
1951-54 Shipmates (courtesy Tom Skindzier
1951-54 Shipmates (courtesy Bob Smeland

September 1957 Transit of Suez Canal (Courtesy Rudolf Bredderman


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Recommissioning ashtray gift the Todd Shipyards gave to the crew before we left Brooklyn for San Francisco (Courtesy Steve Markovich)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Recommissioning Plank Owners Certificate (Courtesy Steve Markovich)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes (8) Recommissioning Era Photos: Around the New York Dock Company, Announcements for 1961 Recommissioning, Going through the Panama Canal (Courtesy Bud Bessey)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes August 1962 Kennebec softball team which took 2nd place in the San Francisco Naval Shipyard at Hunters Point. (Courtesy Raymond Rentfro


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Bing Crosby's "Bali Hai" in San Diego (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Alcatraz Island aka "The Rock" (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Headed out to sea with the Golden Gate Bridge ahead (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Gunnery crew receiving General Quarters instructions (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Liberty party on the quarterdeck (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Unrepping USS Hancock (CVA-19) (Courtesy Dennis Stangle)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes USS Kennebec: JUMBO PHOTO which evens shows some shipmates (Courtesy Ray Romani)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Rough Seas, Swim Call in the Pacific, USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) to Port (Courtesy Bob Pivin)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Alcatraz Island as seen from Kennebec (Courtesy Dale Garriotte)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Honey Sisters who played at the Shamrock Club in Olongapo (Courtesy Bill Yancey) (added 07/27/04)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge (Courtesy Mike Vodak)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes purpleheartribbon.gif - 466 Bytes Brothers Mike and Greg Vodak are reunited after Greg is wounded in Vietnam. Kennebec's captain lets Mike off in Sasebo, Japan and, after a 23 hour train ride, the brothers are reunited in Yokohama. (Courtesy Mike Vodak)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1964 Kennebec in Home Port. Nice color photo missing bow and stern. (Courtesy Dale Garriotte)


camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec at Hunter's Point dock in late 64/early 65 (Courtesy Dale Garriotte)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Bosin Mike Hayes on guard duty in Da Nang harbor (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Rough Seas During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Rough Seas During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Carrier to Port During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Carrier Leaving During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Unknown Ship to Port During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Minesweeper During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Cruiser During Underway Replenishment (Courtesy Ron Waner)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Enlisted Leave Authorization (courtesy Ron Waner)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Fashion Show (this is the only nudity on this Web site): Dick Hawkins, Bob Wheeler, Duane Clark and Ron Luallen in Tokyo, Japan on 19 September 1965. This is the third act in a fashion show. The show was stopped when I took this picture (sign said NO PHOTOS ALLOWED), but they weren't prepared to confiscate my camera in a group of four healthy sailors! (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec at Hunter's Point at Dusk (Courtesy Smiley Malles)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Personnel Inspection at Hunter's Point in May 1965 (Captain Morton and personnel) (Courtesy Bob Rossington)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Personnel Inspection at Hunter's Point in May 1965 (Captain Morton and personnel) (Courtesy Bob Rossington)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887): after her collission with USS Waddell (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes You WILL Stand Watch For Me! Dick Hawkins (in back)and SN Billie Ray (in front) clowning around (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Swimming at 35,000 Feet: Swimming in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The boat contained a machine gun, etc. There are sailors swimming in the photo in the lower right corner! (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec Hilton: 2nd division berthing. Five high as I recall. If you slept on the bottom, expect anything once sailors began returning from liberty. (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes USS Dyess (DD-470): Refueling off the Vietnam coast (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Filipino Singer:My favorite singer in the P.I., Lita Angeles, at the The Gay Club (meaning festive unless there were "Bennie Boys" hanging out!) (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes A Storm in Manila Bay:Not tycoon. I said TYPHOON! (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes The Honey Sisters:My favorite band in the P.I. I believe there were three sisters. They played at the Shamrock Club. See Bill Yancey's great photo 1963-66! (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Three destroyers refueled by us: USS Walke (DD-723), USS Meredith (DD-727) and USS Ozbourn (DD-846) (Courtesy Doc Howard)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Letter of Commendation from Commander Destroyer Division NINETY-TWO to Doc Howard (Courtesy Doc Howard)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Chow line on the fantail. Looks like Frank Holden talking with Paul Searles (Courtesy Mike Tarro)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Cargo deck during underway replenishment. Busy! (Courtesy Mike Tarro)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Personnel transfer during unrep with USS Kitty Hawk (Courtesy Mike Tarro)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Home of the Quartermasters (Courtesy Pete Choinski)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Radar School (Courtesy Tony Otanez)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Radar Shack (Courtesy Tony Otanez)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Water Over The Well Deck: Not exactly "A Perfect Storm," but... (Courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Unrepping Two at a Time: USS Princeton and USS Enterprise (Courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Flight Operations During Replenishment A jet takes off from a carrier while Kennebec refuels her (Courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Sample That Black Oil: Two Kennebec sailors (James V. Pote and William H. Head) take black oil samples (courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Just Call Chopper 911: A welding specialist, who knew some tricks we didn't, coming aboard for some emergency repairs.(courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Bar Ads From Hong Kong (Very Colorful!) (courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes USS Kennebec Plaque (courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Students Relaxing in Kaoshiug, Taiwan (Nice dress code!) (courtesy Tom Plank)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Piece of a Longevity Pennant That We Flew On the Way Into San Francisco. Everyone on board got a piece of it. (Courtesy Tom Plank)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Da Nang Harbor February 1966: Always a strange, ominous feeling when we were around Da Nang, especially aboard an oiler! (Courtesy Dick Hawkins)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Change of Command Program 29 October 1966: Captain Almy to Captain Hunt (Courtesy Nick Kienic)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Plan of the Day for 6 June 66 (Courtesy Ron Waner)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Protesters in Nilgata (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Our Perfect Storm (water over the bow) (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Fuel Pier in Subic Bay (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Downtown Olongapo, Philippines (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes At Anchor in Hong Kong Harbor (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Ships Lining Up to be Replenished (Courtesy Walt Norkus)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Unrepping Ammo (Courtesy Walt Norkus)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes AO-36 at Subic Bay, P.I. in 1967 taken from USS Canberra. (Courtesy NavSource (added 02/20/04)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Change of Command 28 October 67 (Courtesy Ron Waner)camerasmall.gif - 1372 BytesPage 2camerasmall.gif - 1372 BytesPage 3camerasmall.gif - 1372 BytesPage 4
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes AO-36 Refueling Sumner USS Allen M. Sumner (DD-692): Eric Bollin's Photograph Collection (added 02/20/04)

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes Kennebec refueling another oiler in on the way to Nam (Courtesy John Looney)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes "Navy Ship Thrives on Crisis," an article from May 21, 1968 in "Pacific Stars & Stripes." (Courtesy Mike Vodak)

911.gif - 840 BytesPlease Help Identify These Shipmates!

camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1944-45 Group Photo of Chief Petty Officers From WWII (Courtesy T.J. Cebula)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1945-46 Several unknown from mid 1940's. (Courtesy Terry Bays) (added 01/27/03)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1946-50 (Courtesy Dave Summers
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1952-54 Quartermaster watch from early 50's (Courtesy Bob Smeland)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1952-54 Another quartermaster watch from early 50's (Courtesy Bob Smeland).
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1961-62 There are a few unknown from 1961-62 (Courtesy Jim Shurmack)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1961-64 Several unknown from early 1960's (Courtesy Bud Bessey)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1963-66 Deck Hand in mid 1960's (Courtesy Bill Yancey)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1963-67 Unknown from deck force 1963-67 (Courtesy Allen Cumberland)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1965-66 Unknown officer from mid-60's (Courtesy Doc Howard)
camerasmall.gif - 1372 Bytes 1965-68 Group Photo in a Club in mid-60's (Courtesy Ray Bullis)

kennebec patch r division patch ao36trivettn.jpg - 5792 Bytes
Ship's patch from Dick A. Hawkins; R Division patch courtesy of Bud Bessey.
Zippo lighters courtesy of Ron Waner.
6"x6" trivet courtesy of Ken Krueger. It looks ten times nicer in person as it has a nice, glossy finish and richer colors. Click photo to enlarge to actual size.

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