Members can login to the membership area for contact information for many of these individuals. Are you a shipmate without a membership? Click Here to become a member. are Association Life Members are Charter members was/are Regular Members (opened 02/16/2001- Check Association Page for current status) In Memory--Shipmates known to be deceased are members of the 1942 commissioning crew are members of the 1961 recommissioning crew
Shipmates are divided into 11 sections.
AO-36 Life Member 65
John M. Kachur, BT3
Aboard 1965-69
Lives in Prescott, AZ.
updated email address 02/04/05. We received an update from a fellow shipmate, that John M. Kachur, at age of 73, of Prescott, Ariz., passed away on November 18th, 2019. On 01/21/2020, His obit that we found, only stated that he had passed away and Affordable Burial and Cremation, of Chino Valley, Ariz., was in charge of the arrangements. No other info was found online.
Edward L. Kaiser, QM3: Aboard 1948-50
James E. Kaiser, CS3 Aboard 1961-62.
Dennis M. "Malcolm" Kalup, MM3 Aboard 1968-69. Sent 2002 reunion postcard. Lives in Upland, PA.
Peter G. Kalyan, FN
I will be in Las Vegas June 9th to the 23rd. If the reunion falls in that time frame I will attend. I was a boiler man from 1968 and 1969. Please send any information you have. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Tamaqua, PA.
Ralph "Mit." Kaneshiro, RDSN: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Anaheim, CA. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Aiea, HI.
Louis (n) "Lou" Karlin, S1c: Aboard 1943-44. I sent him a 2003 reunion letter and he called on 12/15/02. He sounds pretty sharp, doesn't drive anymore but is interested in a future reunion in Branson or the East Coast. He is a widower. Lives in Hudson, FL. updated 12/15/02
Kenneth Elliot Kars, SN: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Lincoln, CA. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Roseville, CA.
Robert F. Kasmire, FCS2: Aboard 1951-52. Probably deceased "ROBERT F KASMIRE SSN: 558-24-7638 Last Residence: 95616 Davis, Yolo, CA Born: 31 Oct 1924 Last Benefit: Died: 22 Dec 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: CA" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Davis, CA.
Bradford "Ra." Kaufman, RM3: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to New Iberia, LA.
Cleve J. Kaufman, SN Aboard 1969-70. Unable to attend 2001 reunion. Lives in Fairview, OH. updated 08/22/01
Membership EXP 08/02
Johnnie L. Kaundart, SA: Aboard 1953-54. Letter received Feb 19, 2002 "Thanks Dick for contacting me after all these years. Had not thought about the old ship. I have lots of good memories for the ship and its crew. Men, officers and Captain John Parker. I was the ship's driver and got to go more than others. Seen lots of places that I would probably never have seen; twice through the canal, from Aruba to Ice Cape North and lots in between and lots of places the other fleet did not get to go. Too far away for me to make the 2002 reunion but do hope you guys have a ball. I'm 73 now. Thanks again for the invite." Lives in Midland, TX. updated 02/19/02
AO-36 Life Member 165 Anthony P. "Tony" Kauzlarich, ME2
Aboard 1951-54
Reunions Attended:
2003, 2005
I served from April of 1951 to November of 1954. Thank you for the invitation to the reunion. I will be unable to attend in 2002, but hope to attend next year. Would you please inform me of next year’s reunion. Thank you very much for putting this all together. It would be a real treat to visit with some of my ship mates again. Lives in Enumclaw, WA. updated 04/06/02. The USS Kennebec Assoc. was informed that Tony passed away on March 6, 2016. His obit was not found. Updated 03/18/2016.
John Patrick Kavanagh, RM2: Aboard 1962.
Rufus (n) Kay, S2c: Aboard 1945-46
Paul Kazimir, Jr., SK1: Aboard 1962. Possibly deceased "PAUL KAZIMIR; SSN 186-16-8498; Born 30 Oct 1922; Last Benefit: 06770 Naugatuck, New Haven, CT; Died Apr 1979" or "PAUL KAZIMIR; SSN 272-28-6758; Residence: Born 24 Sep 1930; Last Benefit: 20783 Hyattsville, Prince Georges, MD; Died Oct 1980" updated 05/27/03
Julius J. Kaznocha, F1c Aboard 1942. Enlisted 02/13/40 in New York, NY. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Palm Coast, FL. Probably deceased "Julius J. Kaznocha SSN: 128-10-7677 Last Residence: 32164 Palm Coast, Flagler, Florida, United States of America Born: 27 Sep 1917 Died: 17 Feb 2003 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951 )" updated 04/24/04
John (n) Keane, SN: Aboard 1948-49
Matthew J. "Matt" Keane, SN
Aboard 1969-70. I called and spoke with him 06/07/03. He works for the city. Lives in Chepachet, RI. updated 06/07/03
Melvin R. Keele, FA: Aboard 1948. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Las Vegas, NV (not known).
Dale L. Keeny, MM3: Aboard 1953-54. Received a letter from Dale on 01/18/03, "Yes, I served aboard the Kennebec. I went aboard at Long Beach, CA sometime in 1953. I am at my winter home in FL and all my records are in PA so I don't know the date I boarded or the date I transferred off. I served on two other ships after the Kennebec, one a water tanker, the Tassic. The other was the Gen. Wm. Mitchell, a troop transport. I discharged off the Mitchell at Seattle, WA in June 1956. Some trips I remember on the Kennebec were through the Panama Canal, up the coast to Norfolk, VA, to Aruba and also to Pearl Harbor. I went through boot camp at Great Lakes and also attended MM school there. After that, I was sent to the West Coast to board the Kennebec. It was in Alaska at the time so they kept us at the Long Beach Naval Station until the ship got back. I was a fireman at the time. So I worked on the auxiliary equipment such as pumps and also the evaporizers. I hope this is some help to you. I was a MM3 when I was discharged. I was from PA and still live there in Summer. Since retiring 5 years ago we live in FL from Nov-1st of April." Lives in Dallastown, PA 02/18/03. Membership EXP 02/03
William Thomas Keiser, F1c: Aboard 1942-44
Thomas Lloyd Keith, RM3 Aboard 1961-62.
S.J. Kellerman, RM3: Aboard 1956
Jack O. Kelly, SN: Aboard 1950
John F. Kelly, MM3: Aboard 1969.
Vincent J. Kelly, MM2: Aboard 1948-50
Philip E. Kelsey, MM3 Aboard 09/52-54 decommissioning. Looking for Irving Henrichsen and anyone else from that era. Lives in Cedar Rapids, IA. updated 06/04/04
Charlie W. Kelso, GMG1 Aboard 1961-62. Enlisted 02/55. Possibly deceased "CHARLIE KELSO; SSN 420-52-8245; Born 28 Apr 1928; Died Aug 1973" updated 05/27/03
Russell "Dua." Kendall, SFM3: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Cottonwood, CA. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Redding, CA.
William N. Kendall, Sea1c Aboard 1942. Enlisted 05/15/39 in Peoria, IL. Possibly deceased "William N. Kendall SSN: 347-10-3288 Born: 10 Apr 1922 Died: 5 Jul 2000 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951 )"
Stephen Kennedy, SA: Aboard 1969-70.
Walter J. Kenney, BM1: Aboard 1962-63.
Robert Elwood Kent, MM1: Aboard 1945-46
J. Kentuck, BM1 Aboard 1961. Possibly deceased "JAMES KENTUCK; SSN 251-07-2007; Residence: 11436 Jamaica, Queens, NY; Born 25 Nov 1918; Died Jun 1986" updated 05/27/03
Donnelle Webb Kerr, SK1: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Bradenton, FL (not him).
Gregory R. Kersey, BM3: Aboard 1968. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Clarksville, TN and Kingwood, TN (unable to forward).
John Anthony Keys, S2c: Aboard 1944-45. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to New Albany, MS.
Robert Walter "Bob" Kiehn, BM3 Aboard 1962-66. See Chief Petty Officer. updated 11/02/04
AO-36 Life Member 22 Frank C. "Nick" Kienic, SFM3
Aboard 1966-67
Aboard Kennebec January 1966 through December 1967. Station 3 Commence Pumping. Hard to believe it has been 35 years since I first stepped on AO36 in Subic Bay. I left the Kennebec for a Fleet Tug USS Lipan ATF 85 that was like a cork in the water. I did however spend the last 9 months of my service time in Pearl Harbor. Have pictures of a Ship's party in Japan showning myself John Fee, Russel Burnard and good old Ensign Smith when we were totally out of it. Lt. Blake I believe your unnamed welder from "R" division is me. I remember welding on the stack. Married for 30 years to a wonderful woman and have three grown children. My thanks to Ron Waner for calling me and giving me the site information. Frank lives in South Park, PA. updated email address 09/18/03
Frank Kimble, MM2: Aboard 1968-70.
Lemuel B. Kimbrough, QM2: Aboard 1965. Enlisted 09/56. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Eight Mile, AL. Possibly deceased "LEMUEL KIMBROUGH Request Information (SS-5) SSN 487-40-1220 Residence: Born 5 Aug 1938 Last Benefit: Died Nov 1974 Issued: MO (1953 And 1954)" updated 12/07/02
John R. Kincaid, GMG1: Aboard 1963.
AO-36 Life Member 163
Gordon B. "Gordy" Kinch, Y2
Aboard 1946-48
Reunion Attended: 2002
Attended 2002 reunion with friend. Lived in Battle Creek, MI. updated with membership 09/11/02. Elaine Jewell, partner of 11 years to Gordon B. Kinch, reported 4/30/08, that our fellow shipmate and Assoc. Life Member, Gordy, passed away in Battle Creek, MI. on April 26, 2008.
Robert D. Kindall, BT3: Aboard 1953-54. Bill Bonaker advises he received a letter from Robert's wife stating he is deceased. "ROBERT KINDALL; SSN 431-38-6917; Residence: 72843 Hector, Pope, AR; Born: 20 Aug 1925; Died: Apr 1987" updated 06/02/03
Cecil DeWayne King, RM1: Aboard 1969-70.
Elbert (n) King, S1c: Aboard 1942. added 01/03/03
Frederick R. King, SM2: Aboard 1963-64.
Glenn L. King, S1: Aboard 1947
Gordon B. King, Y2: Aboard 1947
John H. King, FN I served on Kennebec during her decommisioning at Mare Island (in 1970). I was a FN in A division Have pleasant memories of the ship and the guys I served with. Lives in WA. updated 12/09/01
AO-36 Life Member 144
John S. King, Coxswain
Aboard 1942-44
I enlisted in the Navy in Oct of '42 and did my boot camp at Great Lakes near Chicago. After boot camp I was sent to the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, VA for aerial gunner training. One day they gave me orders to report to the USS Kennebec for duty. I'm mentioning this because I don't remember when I joined the ship's crew. I spent 19 months on the(AO-36) and then was sent to Newport News, RI, to commission the USS Birgit, an AKA attack cargo troop carrier. I spent 17 months in the Pacific on the Birgit. So, I imagine I went aboard the USS Kennebec in 1943. I was discharged from service in August of 1946. I wil mail today my dues. Was interested in 2003 reunion. Lives in Englewood, FL. updated email address 03/24/04
Johnnie H. King, Jr., TN: Aboard 1947-49
Vaughn Richard King, SA: Aboard 1969. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Knoxville, IL. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Norwalk, OH.
Wayne D. King, FA: Aboard 1969.
AO-36 Life Member 170
Maurice E. Kinnett, FC1
Aboard 1944
Aboard January 13, 1944 to May 9, 1944 as FC3 when I was transferred to attend Fire Controlman School (Adv.) at Anacostia Naval Station in Wash., DC. As I recall, the CO during that period of time was Capt. M.D. Mullen and the XO was LCDR V.J. Banks. I can only recall the name of one other shipmate, FC3 Gerald E. Rush, from Tulsa, OK. I recently received your Postal Card re: the USS Kennebec Association. Interested in 2002 reunion. You have a great website. I looked it over for a considerable length of time and enjoyed it very much. Lives in Jacksonville, FL. updated 03/10/02
Gerold D. Kinsey, QMSA: Aboard 1964.
Kenneth Lee Kirby, SN: Aboard 1967-68.
Carl R. Kirkendall, SK2: Aboard 1963-64. Possibly deceased "CARL R KIRKENDALL; SSN 303-30-3510; Residence: 92283 Winterhaven, Imperial, CA; Born 15 Sep 1930; Died 12 Oct 1998" updated 05/27/03
Roy D. Kirkland, DK3 Aboard 1966-1967. Discharged as DK2. My replacement when I transferred to USS Taluga (AO-62). I looked at the Web site today and was blown away. Your bunch have done the Kennebec proud. I enjoyed the time I spent on her and the great ports of call we made. Sorry you got transferred to the Taluga before we made Westpac. Look forward in making the 2002 reunion. updated 01/14/02. Update 9/20/2011: Roy and his wife Patsy live in Beaumont, TX. Contact information is available in the membership area.
Merlin E. Kissler, FN: Aboard 1951. Dale Pastore wrote in May 2002, "Aboard about a year. Received hardship discharge to take care of family farm. He died two years ago from cancer." "MERLIN E KISSLER SSN: 538-36-4642 Last Residence: 99159 Odessa, Lincoln, WA Born: 15 Apr 1929 Last Benefit: Died: 16 Dec 1996 State (Year) SSN issued: WA"
Gordon Kjeldergaard, SFM3 Aboard 1967-68. Lives in Oakhurst, CA. updated 07/18/01
Richard Lee Klawonn, S1c: Aboard 1944-45. Possibly deceased. From Residence: 45385 Xenia, Greene, OH; Born 2 Aug 1926; Died 30 May 1992. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Ketterling, OH.
Sidney Morton Klein, IC3: Aboard 1965-68. Sent 2003 reunion letter to New York, NY and Bronx, NY.
Ernest H. Klenner, BT3: Aboard 1952-53. Possibly deceased "ERNEST KLENNER; SSN 542-34-6327; Residence: 95482 Ukiah, Mendocino, CA; Born 8 Jan 1935; Died Aug 1987" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to San Francisco, CA. updated 05/27/03
Frank John Kluber, QMSN Aboard 1969-70. Will not be attending reunion. Lives in Martinez, CA. updated 07/22/02
Gordon T. Knight, EMFA: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Shady Point, OK. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Philadelphia, PA.
Homer Auther Knight, SN: Aboard 1962. Mrs. Knight advised that "Homer passed away in May 1999. Wish that he were here to attend the reunion. Have a great time!" updated 08/08/02
John M. Knowles, FA: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Jacksonville, FL.
Lawrence L. Knutson, SN Aboard 1961-62.
Robert D. Kobel, S1c: Aboard 1942. Possibly deceased "ROBERT KOBEL; SSN 066-12-0466; Residence: 39564 Ocean Springs, Jackson, MS; Born 10 Sep 1922; Died Dec 1986" updated 05/27/03
AO-36 Life Member 189
Daniel F. Koch, SN
Aboard 1961-62
TCC DANIEL KOCH USCGR (RET). Updated 09/27/06: Lives in Ccconut Creek, FL. Have retired from the U.S.Coast Guard with rate of Chief Petty Officer, after 32 years of service 10 years ago.
Warren Alfred Koehler, EM3: Aboard 1943-44. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Northampton, PA. Received from son, 06/23/05, "Ken Koehler; E-Mail:; City/State: Park Ridge, NJ; I am the son of Warren A. Koehler who served on the Kennebec during ww2. I was looking up the two ships he served on for him and saw that you have reunions. I told him about it and he is interested in going. Hopefully if we do make it, he may run into some of his old shipmates." updated 06/26/05
Gary L. Koehly, SN
Aboard 1966-68. I was a postal clerk on the Kennebec in the mid to late 60's. Lives in Chillicothe, MO.
Stephen "Da." Koljonen, EM3 Aboard 1965-68.
Andrew D. "Frenchy" Kompier, SA Aboard 1948-49. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Weatherford, TX.
Gary L. Koppenhaver, MM3: Aboard 1961.
Patrick J. Korth, EN3: Aboard 1950. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Harrison Townshiop, MI.
James Allen Kortz, SA: Aboard 1965. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Paducah, KY.
Thomas Walter Kosiba, S2c: Aboard 1943-46. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Reno, NV. Catherine Hetzel emailed 04/13/05, "Would like to let you know my Uncle Thomas Kosiba that served on the Kennebec from 1943-46 has passed away on March 5, 2005." updated 04/13/05
Frank E. Kotora, Jr., SK3 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 11/03/41 in Cleveland, OH. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Huron, OH. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Kimberling City, MO.
Peter Koucky, SN: Aboard 1968-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Binghamton, NY (unknown).
Joseph J. Kovacs, EMP3: Aboard 1957
Dennis P. "Ski" Kovalesky, SN Aboard 1963-65. Possibly deceased. From "Born: 28 Jan 1945; Died: 16 Sep 1993 Issued: OH (1962)" "DENNIS P KOVALESKY SR Birth Date: Birthplace: Death Date: 16 September 1993 Place of Death: Residence: ORANGE, Father's Surname: Gender: M Age: Race: Marriage Status: MARRIED" Sent 2002 reunion letter to Randolph, VT (deceased).
John Crocket Kreiss, SA: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Rocklin, CA.
Stanley Krieg, S1: Aboard 1946-47. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Irvington, NY.
Fritz H. Kroening, Sea1c Aboard 1942. Enlisted 04/04/39 in Chicago, IL. Probably deceased "FRITZ KROENING; SSN 552-34-7112; Residence: 54929 Clintonville, Waupaca, WI; Born 18 Nov 1920; Benefit: 54949 Manawa, Waupaca, WI; Died Aug 1985" updated 05/27/03
AO-36 Life Member 81
Kenny W. Kruger, PO3
Aboard 1968-70
I enlisted in the Navy upon graduating High School in June of 1967. Basic Training - Great Lakes, Chicago, from there I went to the Kennebec for aprox one year. After that I spent the remainder of my enlistment stationed at Subic Bay, Phillipines, aboard a YTM. Interested in 2003 reunion. Lives in Milford, MA. updated with life membership 01/08/03
Harry D. Krupp, QM3: Aboard 1964. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Carson City, NV.
Walter D. Krzemien, WT2 Aboard 1942-43. Enlisted 01/02/42 in Buffalo, NY. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Buffalo, NY. Possibly deceased "Walter Krzemien SSN: 070-10-2196 Last Residence: 14218 Buffalo, Erie, New York, United States of America Born: 19 Sep 1915 Died: Jul 1984 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951 )"
William F. Kubat, SFM3: Aboard 1968. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Esko, MN.
Johnnie Steve Kubin, S1c: Aboard 1943-44. Possibly deceased "JOHNNIE KUBIN Request Information (SS-5) SSN 449-28-6793 Residence: Born 28 Dec 1921 Last Benefit: 77023 Houston, Harris, TX Died Sep 1981 Issued: TX (Before 1951)"
Paul C. Kuenstler, EM3: Aboard 1943. Possibly deceased "PAUL KUENSTLE; SSN 352-07-6626; Residence: 60062 Northbrook, Cook, IL; Born 10 Jan 1913; Last Benefit: 60062 Northbrook, Cook, IL; Died Feb 1981" updated 05/27/03
Richard J. Kuepper, BM1: Aboard 1965. Enlisted 03/48. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Little Chute, WI. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Lily, WI.
Barry J. Kuipers, BT3 Aboard 1969-70 as BTFA. Possibly interested in 2002 reunion. Lives in Zeeland, MI. updated with membership 08/05/02 Membership EXP 08/03
Carl J. Kukla, MM1 Aboard 1942-44. Enlisted 01/15/40 in Albany, NY. Possibly deceased. "Carl J. Kukla SSN: 118-10-7281 Born: 16 Feb 1921 Died: 7 May 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951 )"
Oliver J. Kurtz, SA: Aboard 1950. Possibly deceased "OLIVER J KURTZ SSN: 135-20-9459 Last Residence: 01520 Holden, Worcester, MA Born: 15 Oct 1928 Last Benefit: Died: 2 Feb 1994 State (Year) SSN issued: NJ"
George Richard Kyle, S2c: Aboard 1945-46
John Labarbera, SA: Aboard 1963.
Richard "Rich" Labin III, BM2 I went aboard the Kennebec in August of 1966 and was transfered off in January of 1969. Two west pac cruises on the old Kennebec. I then went to the Inshore Undersea Warfare Group that had 4 units in Viet Nam. I was stationed at Qui Nhon a little south of Danang. It doesn't matter to me which city we go to. It will be great to see some of the old crew. Judy would like to say "Hi" and would like you to call them sometime (707-887-8170). Lives in Forestville, CA. Updated 03/20/01 Membership EXP 03/02
John George La Chappelle, S2c: Aboard 1943-44. Possibly deceased "JOHN G LACHAPELLE Request Information (SS-5) SSN 378-20-5576 Residence: 48532 Flint, Genesee, MI Born 22 Feb 1926 Last Benefit: Died 20 May 1992 Issued: MI (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Franklin J. Labiche, GM3: Aboard 1952-54. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to New Iberia, LA.
Rolando T. Labit, SD2: Aboard 1968. Might have lived in Nampa, ID. Enlisted 12/57.
Lewis D. Lachney, SN: Aboard 1957. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Alexandria, LA.
Nilo "Tiangsi." Lacson, TN: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to West Covina, CA.
Cresswell Frederick Laity, MM3: Aboard 1943-45. "I just want to say hello to all the fine shipmates before and after my fathers service (1943-45). He has been deceased since 14 Sep 1989 (Born: 20 Jan 1924). Thank you. Edwin Cresswell Laity from Sitka, AK updated 02/01/03
Robert N. Lajiness, FN: Aboard 1949-50. Probably deceased "LAJINESS ROBERT N; 9 Sep 1928 - 7 Jul 1976; MICHIGAN; SAN DIEGO; 295-24-1237" Sent 2002 reunion letter to Santee, CA. updated 05/27/03
George Eugene Lake, S1c: Aboard 1945-46. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Coleville, CA.
AO-36 Life Member 197
Earl Roy Lamb, SFM3
Aboard 1968-69
Ken Lamb: Aboard late 60's. added 06/10/01
Robert Joseph Lamb, SN: Aboard 1969.
Marvin H. "Marv" Lambert, CS3 Aboard 1965-67. Lives in Federal Way, WA.
Albert P. Lamboni, Jr., DKSN: Aboard 1948-49. Probably deceased "ALBERT P LAMBONI; SSN 214-22-9852; Residence: 21222 Dundalk, Baltimore, MD; Born 24 May 1928; Died 4 Feb 1993" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Baltimore, MD. updated 05/27/03
Gary W. Lamora, BM2 Aboard 1964-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Lyon Mountain, NY and Saratoga, NY (unable to forward) and Columbus, GA.
Donald W. Lamoureaux, FA: Aboard 1951-52. From Bill Bonaker, "I can confirm that Donald Lamoureaux is deceased. Don worked for me at the Geothermal Powers Plants." "LAMOUREAUX DONALD WAYNE; 31 Aug 1931 - 1 Sep 1989; OREGON LAKE, CA" updated 06/02/03
Milton J. Lampros, F1c: Aboard 1942-43. Probably deceased "MILTON LAMPROS; SSN 229-30-1040; Residence: Born 15 Dec 1926; Died Oct 1984; Issued: VA; updated 05/27/03
Shelby "Ra." Lancaster, SN: Aboard 1968-69. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Kingsville, TX.
Thomas W. Landers, Jr., MM2 Aboard 1942. Email from son, Tim, received 03/0/02 "I would like to thank you for this great website. My father, Thomas W Landers served on the USS Kennebec at the begining of WWII and I see he is listed as being aboard for commissioning in 1942. Would this make him a plank owner and what does AS next to his name stand for? He passed away in 1975 and I was wondering if you could please place a flag by his name in honor. I sure would like to purchase a ballcap for my collection if possible. I live in Houston Tx. and volunteer with the Battleship USS Texas and was suprised to learn that the Kennebec escorted her back to the States after the North Africa campaign. Later in the war my father served aboard the Destroyer USS Ault DD-698 as a MM2 in the South Pacific leading raids on Japanese homelands and they were anchored in Tokyo Bay next the USS Missouri on Sep 2, 1945 for the formal surrender. Thank you again and looking forward to a response."
Charles R. Landry, EM1: Aboard 1953-54. added 01/04/03
Beverly B. Lane, BT2 Aboard 1961. Sent 2001 reunion postcard to Milford, VA (no receptacle). Sent 2002 reunion letter to Milford, VA (not deliverable).
James L. Lane, STM1: Aboard 1946
Sherman Eward Lane, DC3 Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Catskill, NY.
Marcus R. Langston, SN: Aboard 1953. Possibly deceased "MARCUS R LANGSTON; SSN 266-46-1712; Residence: 33597 Webster, Sumter, FL; Born 9 Oct 1934; Died 27 May 1997" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to El Paso, TX. updated 05/27/03
Allen D. "Dale" Lanham, IC3 Aboard Kennebec January 1963 until May 1965. "I don't remember getting paychecks from you, but I probaly did on "BOTH" (Kennebec and Taluga) those ships. Amazing after all these years what you can find by searching the Internet. I used Metacrawler with the phrase USS Taluga. I got married in Reno during the 1 day travel time between Great Lakes and Long Beach. Still married, have 4 kids 3 married and 5 grandkids. I live in Littleton Colorado, my wife and I run a voice mail company. You've done a great job on the home page, and I look forward to hearing from some of the shipmates." Unable to attend 2001 reunion. updated 05/24/01
AO-36 Life Member 99
James C. "Jim" or "Ski" Laniefsky, QM1
Aboard 1968-70
Reunions Attended: 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009
Aboard 1968-70 as QM3.
Lives in Mesa, AZ.
Updated 08/28/05
AO-36 Life Member 115
Robert L. "Bob" Lanphere, SM2
Aboard 1969-70
I was on the Kennebec during a couple of Wespac cruises. I started out in San Diego and was a Second Class Signalman and became Leading Signalman when the First class was put on the Master At Arms force. It seems as tho his name was Dixion and there was another second by the name of Cagle. Since I live in Washington State, it would be fairly close to Las Vegas and since I have relatives that live there, it would be a good vacation. Bob advised me on August 1 that he will be unable to attend the 2001 reunion. Lives in Oak Harbor, WA. updated with life membership 09/014/04
Charles D. Lankford, CS3: Aboard 1956-57
Edgar (n) Laprade, S2c: Aboard 1945-46. Possibly deceased "EDGAR LAPRADE Request Information (SS-5) SSN 232-14-9902 Residence: 25508 Chapmanville, Logan, WV Born 11 Nov 1917 Last Benefit: 25508 Chapmanville, Logan, WV Died May 1985 Issued: NC/WV (Before 1951)" updated 12/13/02
Frank P. Laraway, Jr., EM1 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 12/24/41 in Los Angeles, CA. Possibly deceased. "Frank P. Laraway SSN: 548-28-2008 Last Residence: 95814 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, United States of America Born: 6 Jan 1915 Died: 19 May 1992 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 )"
John M. Lardner, YN1: Aboard 1968. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Gulfport, MS.
Gerald Arthur Larson, MM1 Aboard 1961-63.
John Michael Larson, FN: Aboard 1969-70.
Marvin "Thom." Laseter, FN Aboard 1966-68. Possibly deceased "MARVIN LASETER; SSN 524-66-3018; Born 18 Nov 1946; Died Jan 1974 Issued: CO" updated 05/27/03
Gerald J. Lashomb, RMSN: Aboard 1949-50. Possibly deceased "GERALD LASHOMB; SSN 121-14-9573; Born 25 Jul 1925; Last Benefit: 13045 Cortland, Cortland, NY; Died Mar 1982" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to No. Lawrence, NY. updated 05/27/03
Charles Lasley, MM3: Aboard 1951. added 01/03/03
Donald Lewis Latham, FN: Aboard 1967-68.
Floyd G. Latham, Jr., FN: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Oskaloosa, IA.
Fordyce C. Latimer, EM1 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 10/02/40 in Los Angeles, CA. Probably deceased "FORDYCE C LATIMER; SSN 553-24-9431; Residence: 92373 Redlands, San Bernardino, CA; Born 25 Mar 1918; Died 4 Jan 1998" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Redlands, CA.
Clarence Latiolais, SN: Aboard 1953-54. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Arnaudville, LA.
James Lee Lavender, BT3: Aboard 1966-68.
Leslie Vernon Law, PhM2: Aboard 1942-44. Possibly deceased. From Residence: 02814 Chepachet, Providence, RI; Born 13 May 1915; Died 5 Dec 1995.
Andrew T. "Red" Lawlor, QM2 Aboard 1967-68. Tony Otanez e-mailed me on July 15, 2001, "I met with Lee Theriault (aka Frenchy). He told me that Andrew Lawlor (Red), was shot and killed a few years ago by someone trying to rob him." Charlie Howell added, "He lived here in San Francisco, worked for U.S. Customs, first as a warehouseman then as a customs inspector at the airport and down on the docks. Tragically, he was shot and killed in a late night robbery attempt as he was getting out of his car in July 1980."
Daniel "Fra." Lawrence, SA: Aboard 1967. added 01/12/03
Walter "Jam." Lawrence, SN: Aboard 1968-70.
David Lonnell Lawson, SH3: Aboard 1965-67. Update 6/13/2011 David lives in Hawthorne, NV. Contact info available to members.
George Willie Lawson, SM1: Aboard 1945-46
Jack A. Lawson, RM3: Aboard 1953-54. added 01/04/03
Donald E. "Don" Lazzara, MM3: Aboard 1949-50. He called me 06/04/03 after receiving my reunion letter. He was also aboard LST-1141 and USS Kankakee (AO-39). Lives in Zephyrhills, FL. updated 6/04/03
Phillip Buddy Leach, DC3: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Salinas, CA.
Thomas Carter Leas, MM3: Aboard 1969. Sent 2002 reunion letter to West Allis, WI.
William Elmus Leath, S2c: Aboard 1945-46. Probably deceased "WILLIAM E LEATH; SSN 422-22-6365; Residence: 35016 Arab, Marshall, AL; Born 27 Aug 1926; Died 11 Jan 2002" Originally from Horton, AL. updated 05/27/03
Donald P. "Don" Leatherwood, BT1
Aboard 1969-70
I spoke with him on 08/19/04. He is interested in Association. Called "Old Dad" in the boiler room while aboard ship. Lived in Sevierville, TN. updated 08/19/04. On 05/10/2015 we received word from Marjorie, the wife of Donald, that he passed away on December 05, 2014. From Marjorie Leatherwood and family 7/29/2015: "Thank you for your condolences. Donald enjoyed his Naval career, and with
his tour of the Kennebec he had a lot of good memories. You know he helped
clean up the 1/2 of the USS Evans while waiting on the Kennebec to come into
Subic Bay. I received a sympathy note from the chaplain with the Evans
reunion group.
I also just came back from a reunion of the USS BOSTON CAG-1 in Fayetteville,
NC. They had a nice memorial for 4 sailors including Don. I have pictures on
FB. That is just Marjorie Leatherwood.
Thank You again, Don is really missed. We were married 57 yrs."
Don's Obit.
Claude F. LeBlanc, YN3, Aboard 1962-65. Karen (daughter) advised on 06/27/03, " father Claude Finis LeBlanc passed away on January 29, 2003 after a courageous 2 and a half year battle with esophageal cancer. My dad was 60 years old when he died and he leaves behind his wife of 37 years Ruby Fletcher LeBland and three children, myself-Karen LeBlanc Ulibarri age 32, my sister Stacy Dodd, age 30 and my brother Jason LeBlanc age 28. Dad served on the USS Kennebec from 1962 to 1964 starting his tour of duty on the ship as a deck aid and working his way up to a yeoman in the ship's office." He was undergoing chemo and hoped to attend the 2003 reunion. Obituary in Baton Rouge Advocate adds, "Claude was a Vietnam War veteran, having served in the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet on the USS Kennebec. His professional career spanned three decades as an engineering piping designer in the petrochemical industry, having retired from Barnard and Burk. Claude was a 1961 graduate of Baton Rouge High and attended LSU. Claude was a member of the USS Kennebec AO-36 Association, Kenilworth Civic Association and Knights of Columbus. He was a hardworking, selfless, noble, dedicated father and loving husband who provided a stable home, instilling in his children an honest and disciplined work ethic and the courage to dream big. Claude will be sorely missed, but always remembered for his sense of humor, his love of life and his incredible dedication to his family." Lived in Baton Rouge, LA. updated email address 08/02/03
Kenneth "Jo." Lebouton, SN: Aboard 1967-68. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Scottsdale, AZ (not deliverable as addressed) and Madison, WI. 06/02/03 sent email via
Billy Van Lee Aboard 1963-64. Dave Hawrey e-mailed me, "While serving aboard the Kennebec his body was found floating in the bay in the month of Oct 1964. The police stated that they were working on the assumption that Billy was murdered. updated 05/24/01
Famous C. Lee, SN: Aboard 1954. Probably deceased "FAMOUS C LEE 05 Jan 1931 22 Jan 2000 (V) 74352 (Locust Grove, Mayes, OK) (none specified) 447-28-8297 Oklahoma" added 01/04/03
Gary A. Lee, DK2: Aboard 1962-64.
Gilbert A. Lee, BM3: Aboard 1952-54
Samuel A. Lee, SH3: Aboard 1951-52
Thomas Donald Lee, EM2: Aboard 1969.
Wallace (n) Lee, AS Aboard 1942. Enlisted 12/11/41 in Birmingham, AL.
Julian C. Leet, DC3: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard.
George J. Leger, SA Aboard 1961-62. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Lake Charles, LA and Port Barre, LA.
Raymond Richard Legg, Bkr3: Aboard 1943-44. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Canton, OH.
Joe R. Lehman, MML1 Aboard 1951-52. Might have lived in Milton Freewater, OR.
Joseph E. Leighty, AS Aboard 1942. Enlisted 12/11/41 in Baltimore, MD.
Lionel J. Lemoine, MM3: Aboard 1963. Sent 2002 reunion postcard. Lives in La Place, LA.
AO-36 Life Member 98
Ronald R. "Bob" Lemon, FN
Aboard 1952-54
Would like to hear from anyone who served on AO36 from late 1952 until time we put her out of commission in San Pedro in 1954. I will not be able to attend the reunion this Oct. 2-4 in SF.
Lives in Indianapolis, IN.
updated with life membership 07/17/03
Donald L. Lemons, SA: Aboard 1951-52. I provided Bob Bartlett with a possible address based on information he gave me and here was the result, "I have called the telephone number that you provided below and it is the number for Dorothy Lemons, who is the wife of Donald Lemons, who was on the USS Kennebec in 1951 for sure. She confirmed that Don did die on June 18, 1988 (Born in 1932) of a massive heart attack. I now remember meeting Dorothy in 1951 at San Pedro, CA, where the Kennebec was docked and knew that Don and Dorothy were going to be married. Dorothy said that she remembers me well and that Don had told her that my back was injured while working on the Kennebec and that I was taken to the hospital. Of course I never saw Don after that, as I was medically discharged at the Camp Pendleton US Navy Hospital in Oceanside, CA. and never returned to the ship. Dorothy Lemons (Don's wife) said she is certain that Don had some pictures of me from the US Navy and she would see if she could find them and would send them to me. If she does, I will forward them to you. Also, I am sending the 1951 Shipmates photograph to Dorothy to confirm what I believe to be Don's picture in the group and once confirmed, I will let you know so you can add his name to the photo along with mine and the other 2 so far identified. I was saddened to confirm that Don is deceased, but was pleased to recall with his wife about our old friendship.
I am providing the Kennebec website adddess to his wife Dorothy to give to their daughter and son so they can see the record of their father Don there and possibly more pictures when I obtain them from Dorothy." Died in Chelan, WA. updated 10/24/04
Terry "Al." Lenschmidt, FA: Aboard 1967-68. Probably deceased "TERRY A LENSCHMIDT 20 May 1947 27 Jan 2001 (P) 97501 (Medford, Jackson, OR) (none specified) 552-70-4263 California" "Terry Lenschmidt, 53, of Jacksonville, died Saturday, Jan. 27, 2001, at Rogue Valley Medical Center. Arrangements will be announced by Rogue Valley Funeral Alternatives and Crematory." updated 07/05/03
Thomas L. "Tom" Lentz, SN
Aboard 06/65-01/69. Just learning computers so hope I do this right. Been trying to find info about ship and crew for a long time. I have forgotten a lot of names but not the memories. Len Borusky was one of my best friends and Delbert Harker - who could forget him. Would like to hear from you guys. I was a bos'n mate in 2nd div. Right now I am a truck driver going all over the country and am usually gone 2 wks at a time. Lives in Bloomington, IN. updated 10/22/01
Robert Christopher Leon, SN: Aboard 1968-70. Sent 2003 reunion letter to San Antonio, TX (insufficient address).
Robert E. Leonard, S1c: Aboard 1943-44
Jerry W. Leutze, ETN2 Aboard 1961. I sent him a 2003 reunion letter and he emailed me, "Joined the Kennebec recommission detail in Norfolk in 1961 from the USS Amphion AR13 as a ET3. We Joined the rest or the crew aboard the ship in New York City. We completed the refitting of the ship and recomissioned the Kennebec. I developed a hernia during sea trial and never made it to the West Coast. Completed my enlistment aboard the USS Atacapa ATF149, finishing as an ETN2. The only name I can recall as serving with is Ron Henry." updated 06/03/03
Robert J. "Bob" Levin, FTGSN Aboard 1962-63. I called him 06/08/03 and spoke with him. Lives in Oxnard, CA. updated 06/08/03
Sidney M. Levine, QM3 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 11/08/40 in Los Angeles, CA. Possibly deceased "Sidney M. Levine SSN: 560-16-6973 Last Residence: 91325 Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States of America Born: 23 Oct 1915 Died: 17 Aug 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 )"
Albert D. Leviner, AS Aboard 1942. Probably deceased "ALBERT D LEVINER; SSN 241-24-5713; Residence: 85364 Yuma, Yuma, AZ; Born 16 Nov 1923; Died 19 Oct 2001" updated 05/27/03
Carlas Devoy Lewis, SA: Aboard 1963-64. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Dennard, AR. added 01/07/03
Forrest L. Lewis, SN Aboard 1962-63.
James Williman (sp?) Lewis, Bkr3: Aboard 1945
Kermit Wayne Lewis, FA Aboard 1968-69. Might live in Baton Rogue, LA. updated 05/27/03
Clarence H. "Clem" Licht, RM2: Aboard 1943-46. Received a nice letter from him dated 12/17/02, "I received your communication with reference to the Kennebec. I served aboard the Kennebec from July 1943 to April 1946 and earned the rating of Second Class Petty Officer, radioman, which was my rating when I was discharged. While I was on board, we participated in fueling operations in the Atlantic....fueling the escort vessels guarding the convoys going over to Africa and the Mediterranean area. We made several trips to Oran, Casablanca, Sicily and other north African ports. Towards the end of our duty in the Atlantic, we were stationed for a time in Bermuda and the Azores from which we would rendesvouz with convoys going to Africa and fuel their escort vessels. In the summer of 1945, the Kennebec was transferred to the Pacific fleet to join with a massive U.S. task force which was to assist in the invasion of Japan. However, on the way from Hawaii to join the task force forming in the Aleutians, the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan surrendered. We ended up anchored in Ominato Bay in northern Honshu fueling minesweepers until we were dry and then we went to Yokosuka for more oil and went back up to Ominato to continue our refueling. We made several trips to ports on the China coast, including Shanghai, Taku, and Tsingtao. I received orders to return to the U.S. for discharge while we were in Tokyo Bay and was transferred to a repair ship, the Vulcan, for the trip home. We came back to Hawaii, then through the Panama Canal to Lido Beach, Long Island, where I was discharged on April 26, 1946. We were very fortunate not to engage with the enemy during this time, although we operated in the Atlantic during the height of the German U-boat campaign. One of the highlights of my duty was being part of a task unit with the USS Guadacanal that captured the German U-boat, 505. This capture helped the US fleet to combat the German naval forces because we obtained the secret codes of their forces without them knowing that we had them. Outside of that, we just did whatever was required of us to keep our navy operational. I'd like to give you the names and addresses of several of my shipmates in case you do not have them: Ross E. Gilstrap, Greenville, SC 29611; Thomas M. Brennen, Broken Arrow, OK 74012; John D'Arco, Yonkers, N.Y. 10704 I am in contact with these three on a regular basis and they are good friends. Guess that about covers everything, so I'll close. Good luck to you personally and in your efforts to contact the personnel of the Kennebec. She was a home to us for many months and has a warm spot in our hearts." Lives in N. Tonawanda, NY. updated 12/31/02
Robert Walter Lievsay, SK3: Aboard 1942-44. Possibly deceased. From "Born: 6 Feb 1915; Died: 6 Dec 1991; Issued: TX (Before 1951). Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Oxnard, CA.
John C. Liles, SN: Aboard 1963-64. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to San Marcos, CA (undeliverable as addressed).
Charles J. Limoges: Aboard 25 Dec 46. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Sioux City, IA.
James K. Lindberg, RD2: Aboard 1951-52. Possibly deceased "JAMES K LINDBERG SSN: 084-18-2497 Last Residence: 11762 Massapequa Park, Nassau, NY Born: 1 May 1923 Last Benefit: Died: 14 May 1994 State (Year) SSN issued: NY"
Edward Lindermyer, MM1: Aboard 1956-57. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Westminster, CA.
Wesley Allen Lindgren, SC2: Aboard 1942-44. Possibly deceased "WESLEY LINDGREN Request Information (SS-5) SSN 474-16-8363 Residence: Born 27 Jun 1922 Last Benefit: 55792 Virginia, Saint Louis, MN Died Apr 1980 Issued: MN (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Warren Harding Lindsay, S2c: Aboard 1945. Possibly deceased "WARREN H LINDSAY; SSN 568-18-2143; Residence: 92592 Temecula, Riverside, CA; Born 27 Apr 1922; Died 11 Feb 1999" or "WARREN H LINDSAY; SSN 569-18-1015; Residence: 97394 Waldport, Lincoln, OR; Born 26 Aug 1920; Died 25 Sep 1999 Issued: CA" or "LINDSAY WARREN H MALE 2 Nov 1920 27 Apr 1972 NEW YORK SAN DIEGO 134-03-1117" updated 05/27/03
Merritt David Lint, SK3: Aboard 1968-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Lake Alfred, FL.
Robert Neil Lintz, F1c: Aboard 1943-45. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Flint, MI.
Ralph Johnson Lipe, CM2: Aboard 1942-44. Lived in Cocoa, FL in 1985. Possibly deceased "RALPH LIPE Request Information (SS-5) SSN 245-38-4305 Residence: 32922 Cocoa, Brevard, FL Born 4 Nov 1923 Last Benefit: Died 15 Feb 1990 Issued: NC (Before 1951)"
Chester Joseph Lipiec, S1c: Aboard 1942-44. Possibly deceased "CHESTER J LIPIEC Request Information (SS-5) SSN 147-16-7053 Residence: Born 1 Mar 1924 Last Benefit: Died 21 Sep 1990 Issued: NJ (Before 1951)" updated 12/11/02
Claude R. Lisenbee, SN: Aboard 1949-50. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Anchorage, AK.
AO-36 Life Member 79
Paul E. Litwin, MM3
Aboard 1965-68
Reunions Attended: 2001, 2003
Aboard Kennebec Aug. 20th 1965 - Nov. 15th 1968.
Hi guys, "What's Happening?'" Glad to hear that someone finally pulled us all together. I can't wait to see everyone and reminiscence about the good old days. Since it has been rumored that I died 20 years ago, let me bring you up to date. I have been living in Covina Ca. since my discharge date of Nov. 15th 1968. I completed my apprenticeship as a Operating and Maintenance Engineer with local 501. I have a boiler license as a stationary engineer. I am currently a corporate chief engineer for a linen company in LA for the past 24 years. I have been married to my wonderful wife Jeannie for 32 years. We have 3 sons and 4 grandchildren. I will be picking up Wilk and we won't be bringing our wives this time. See you in Vegas.
Lives in Covina, CA. Updated 09/07/01
Elbert C. Lloyd, SKSN: Aboard 1953. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Boise, ID.
Harold E. Lloyd, EN3: Aboard 1962.
Tilmon (n) Lockard, S1c: Aboard 1944-45. Possibly deceased "TILMON LOCKARD; SSN 402-26-8006; Residence: 40203 Louisville, Jefferson, KY; Born 12 Feb 1925; Died Sep 1980" Sent 2003 reunion letter to Louisville, KY. updated 05/27/03
AO-36 Life Member 186
Andrew E. "Andy" Lockerbie, Jr., MM3
Aboard 1953-54
Reunions Attended: 2003, 2005, 2006
Dick Hawkins called him 06/07/03. Wonderful to hear from someone from the "Old Navy". We have 3 Grandsons and a Nephew in the Military right now (3 USN & 1 USAF). My Wife served with the US Naval Sea Cadet Corp. as the Admin. Ofcr.,(Lt.JG, in the mid 50's)at Los Alamitos NAS in CA. We are so very proud of all of our troops today, including our Commander in Chief, for their outstanding service. Pictures to come later. He and his wife, Donna-Marie, plan to attend the 2003 reunion. Lives in Hacienda Heights, CA. updated with photos 07/04/03 Last update 4/06. Update 6/27/2011: Andy and his wife Donna-Marie have moved to Walnut, CA. Their contact information is available in the membership area. Update received 6/9/2012: Sad news from Donna-Marie Lockerbie, her husband, and our fellow shipmate, Andrew N. Lockerbie, Jr. passed away on Thursday, June 7th, 2012, from pancreatic cancer diagnosed just 2 1/2 weeks prior.
John Thomas Loftis, S2c: Aboard 1945. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Mauldin, SC.
John D. Loggins, SN: Aboard 1953-54. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Mesa, AZ.
Robert Edward Loghry, SN: Aboard 1965. Possibly deceased "Name: Robert E Loghry SSN: 535-46-4079 Place of Death: Seattle Residence: Seattle Age: 41 years Gender: M Date of Death: 27 Dec 1987 Certificate: 044082"
John K. Logue, ME1: Aboard 1953-54. added 01/04/03
James (n) Lomax, StM1: Aboard 1942-44
Wofford L. Lomax, CS1: Aboard 1948. Porbably deceased "WOFFORD L LOMAX SSN: 250-03-4257 Last Residence: 92102 San Diego, San Diego, CA Born: 18 Oct 1920 Last Benefit: Died: 15 Aug 1987 State (Year) SSN issued: SC" added 07/09/03
Edward J. Lombardi, SKG3: Aboard 1951-52. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Phoenixville, PA.
Anthony S. Lombardo, GMM2: Aboard 1951. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Syracuse, NY.
Samuel M. Lomonaco, HM3: Aboard 1963. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Rochester, NY.
Billy R. Long, SN: Aboard 1963.
Steven L. Long, SR: Aboard 1967. added 01/12/03
Donald C. Longbottom, RM1 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 03/07/41 in San Pedro, CA. Possibly deceased "Donald G. Longbottom SSN: 551-36-4211 Last Residence: 92065 Ramona, San Diego, California, United States of America Born: 9 Mar 1918 Died: 15 Jan 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 )"
James F. Longino, GM2 Aboard 1942. Enlisted 08/08/39 in Little Rock, AR. Sent 2003 reunion letter to New Boston, TX.
AO-36 Life Member 25
John L. Looney, FN
Aboard 1965-68
I found this site while researching information for a report. I spent some time reading the messages. My best time in the navy was spent on the Kennebec. I reported aboad in Aug 1965 and left in Nov 1968. I was in R-division with Tom Plank, John Fee, and Russ Bernard who I see have placed their names in the guest book. I left the navy in Jan 1970 and returned to the factory I had left in 1966. Today I have 36 years with that company. Currently I am attending the University of Connecticut (some of you may have heard of the UConn's men's and women's basketball teams). I've been married for 25 years and have a daughter who turned 21 on this New Year's Day. She also attends UConn. Great Website. Looking forward to a reunion. Lives in Westbrook, CT. updated email address 10/31/03
Gabriel Lopez, SK3: Aboard 1967-68.
John D. Lorenz, Jr., AS Aboard 1942. Enlisted 12/11/41 in Baltimore, MD. Possibly deceased "John D. Lorenz SSN: 219-12-5140 Last Residence: 21090 Linthicum Heights, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States of America Born: 4 Oct 1924 Died: 24 Jan 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Maryland (Before 1951 )"
John F. Losinger, SN: Aboard 1951. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Wyoming, MI and Dallas, TX (not deliverable as addressed). Sent 2003 reunion letter to Grand Rapids, MI. Possibly deceased " LOSINGER, JOHN FRED JR S1 US NAVY VETERAN SERVICE DATES: 11/18/1942 - 06/21/1951 DATE OF BIRTH: 04/13/1923 DATE OF DEATH: 03/23/2003 DATE OF INTERMENT: 03/26/2003 BURIED AT: SECTION L SITE 400 FT. CUSTER NATIONAL CEMETERY 15501 DICKHAM ROAD NO. ENTRANCE SVC MAINTENANCE BLDG AUGUSTA , MI 49012" updated 01/09/05
Donald L. Love, SN: Aboard 1957
AO-36 Life Member 140
James M. "Jim" Loveall, BM2
Aboard 1942-45
I came aboard the Kennebec in August 1942 and have a complete detailed itinerary of places the ship was assigned up until my departure in October 1945. Following is a brief list of cruises which consisted of numerous trips from my home port of Norfolk, VA to Baytown, TX; Boston, MA; Port Arthur, TX; Yorktown, VA, convoy in Nov. 1942, invasion of North Africa, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Aruba, Ireland, Scotland, Casablanca, Sicily, Guantanamo Bay, Oran, the invasion of Southern France (at this point we left the convoy to hitch up with the task force of U-505 capture for refueling), Azores, through the Panama Canal, Pearl Harbor on August 9, 1945. Arrive Mutu Bay, Northern Honshu, Japan. Left Aminato Naval Anchorage on Sept. 29, 1945 and arrived Yokohama Anchorage "Toyko Bay". Boarded the Salt Lake City for Portland where I was on my way to the Great Lakes Naval Base for discharge and going home (that is a trip I will NEVER forget. A roll-over of 47 degrees at the mouth of the Columbia River -- if you were there I'm sure you will remember....) I have been married to my wife, Lorraine, for 58 years. We have a son, Jim, and daughter, Shirley. We have four grandchildren and one great-grandson. Lives in Carol Stream, IL. updated new email 10/03/02. Word received 07-02-2007 from his wife Lorraine Loveall: "It is with deep sadness that I would like to inform you that my husband, James M. Loveall, passed away on Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 and internment will be immediately following at Assumption Cemetery in the Mausoleum in Winfield, IL. Please share the news of Jim's passing with other members of the Kennebec. We will miss him dearly."
Albyn Carl Lovell, F1c: Aboard 1943-44. Corrected last name from Loveall.
Charles D. Lowery, RM3: Aboard 1954. added 01/04/03
James R. Lowery, BT2: Aboard 1962.
John A. Lowey, Jr. BM3: Aboard 1952-53. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to West Point, KY.
Benjamin Lowrimore, SA: Aboard 1953-54. Dan's younger brother. Lived in Rock Hill, SC. updated 08/11/05 Received second hand word (Donald W. Ashe via Benjamin's daughter Debra) that Benjamin passed away on April 29, 2010. updated 03/05/2011.
Dan F. Lowrimore, SN: Aboard 1953-54. Ben's older brother. Deceased "DAN F LOWRIMORE; Residence: Cheraw, SC; Born 16 Jun 1932; Died 15 Dec 2002." updated 08/11/05
James A. Lowry, FN: Aboard 1957
Wallace E. Lowry, AN1: Aboard 1948. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Salt Lake City, UT.
Eddie L. Loyns, Jr., RM2 Aboard 1948. Received email 02/02/04, "I am John Loyns McGowan, son of Eddie Louis Loyns, Jr. whom you have listed as a shipmate, RM2 being aboard in 1948. He died on October 23, 2002. I didn't get to know my father all that well, and if you know of anybody that knew him, I would like to get in contact with them, and ask some questions about my dad. I also am the one that keeps up with family genealogy, so I love to do research. I knew my dad was on the USS San Francisco at Pearl Harbor, but I know nothing else of his Naval career. I do have an old photo for you to share on your website though." updated 02/02/04
Leonardo "Teo." Lozano, TN: Aboard 1969.
Gregorio A. Lozares, Jr., TN Aboard 1961-62.
AO-36 Life Member 107
Ronald L. "Lu" or "Ron" Luallen, BM3 Aboard 1964-66 as SN
I'm looking forword to hearing from everyone. I will answer Ron (Lu). Had plans to attend 2004 reunion.
Lives in Wichita, KS.
updated with life membership 04/01/04
Charles I. Lucas, FA: Aboard 1966-68.
Glenn Arlen Lucas, SA: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Angier, NC (not deliverable as addressed).
James F. Lucas, CK3: Aboard 1943. added 01/05/03
Russell W. Lucas, SM3: Aboard 1942-43. added 01/05/03
John Charles Lucich, ETN2: Aboard 1969-70. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Sacramento, CA.
Henry L. Luken, SA: Aboard 1948. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Las Vegas, NV.
Ronald L. Ludemann, MM3: Aboard 1962-63.
Manuel Luevano, S2: Aboard 1946
Paul C. Luker, STM1: Aboard 1947. Mailed 2002 reunion letter to Gadsden, AL.
Dane A. Lund, EM3: Aboard 1969-70. "I too served on the old Kennebec right before her final de-commissioning. She was kind of on her last leg by then. I served from 12/5/69 to 3/16/70. Made EM3 while there. Kind of a funny story: My 7th week of Basic Electricity and Electronics was on DC power and live front switchboards. Our Chief told us not to be concerned about either. There just wasn't any left in the fleet. So we played cards all week in class. Guess what...... The Kennebec had both. Now as an electrician, you just might think this information might be important. AH, the Navy way. I am very glad you wrote to me to let me know about the Website and Association. Would love to here from any old Salts that served aboard her during that time. Thanks so much." Lives in Mesa, AZ. updated 01/31/03
Robert R. Lund, CS2: Aboard 1953 Sent 2002 reunion letter to Hagerstown, MD.
Walter F. "Wally" Lusthoff, RM3 Aboard 1953-54. After his Navy service, he became as G/SGT in the Marine Corps. I sent him a reunion letter and he called me on 06/03/03. He is very interested in the Association and plans to attend the 2003 reunion. Lives in Las Vegas, NV. updated 06/03/03
Sherman (n) Lutes, Cox: Aboard 1944-45
Robert P. "Bob" Luther, DK3
From son, Gregory, "Just wanted to say this is a neat web site! Also my father served on the Kennebec from the 61' recommisioning until 63'. Petty Officer Robert P. Luther. If you knew him please e-mail him." Lives in Latham, NY.
Henry (n) Lutz, SN: Aboard 1951
Dennis James Lyle, SK3: aboard 1965. One of my liberty buddies. He married a Filipina while we were in WestPac. Sent 2002 reunion postcard to San Diego, CA. Might have lived in Grants Pass, OR.
John P. Lynch, EM2: Aboard 1950
Robert G. Lynch, SN: Aboard 1951-52
George V. Lyness, FN: Aboard 1949-50. Possibly deceased. From "Residence: 98665 Vancouver, Clark WA; Born: 21 Sep 1928: Died: 25 Jun 2000" Sent 2002 reunion postcard to Vancouver, WA (undeliverable as addressed).
AO-36 Life Member 94
Rocky G. Lyon, OS3
Aboard 1969-70
as SN
Had plans to attend 2003 reunion with his wife, Rhonda. Lives in Prescott Valley, AZ. updated email address 03/30/04
Arthur Patrick "Butch" Lyons, RDSN Aboard 1966-68. Died in car accident in October 1968.
Eddie L. Lyons, Jr. RM2: Aboard 1948-49. Sent 2002 reunion letter to Ruston, LA. Sent 2003 reunion letter to Atascosa, TX.