

Assistance / Health / Agent Orange

Help/Info for Veterans:

  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Information on Benefits, Health Care, Burials, Memorials, and more.
  • - Good news is, our webmaster found out in late Nov. 2019 when watching a Huckabee program, that for Vietnam Vets who had active war time duty, especially if suffering from bad health conditions, could qualify for aide. However most Vets do not know this, and it is reported that only 1.63% of those who would qualify are actually getting these benefits! They may qualify for up to $1,800 a month in aides, and Vets married to a Vet may be able to get up to $2,900+ in aide per month. But the process to apply is difficult/complicated, so it is recommended to use the service of to find out if you qualify and if you do, they would do the complicated application process for you. The first step is to find out if you can qualify. You do that by phoning their number at 844-757-3047 and answer their questions, then they will let you know if you qualify or not. Then if you qualify, you go from there. So, I hope this info helps some of our good USS Kennebec Association Veterans, as well as many others, as you pass this information on. Please be sure to check this out.

If you are a past USS Kennebec shipmate or member of the USS Kennebec Association, here are links that have been shared with us concerning health and possible chemical exposure.

Agent Orange:

  • Assoc. member/officer Gary Schlagel, 05-09-2017, states that the USS Kennebec is back on the Agent Orange list. Click Here for his advice.
  • JB Orendorff sent us an email about his case with Agent Orange on 12-26-2016, Click Here to view.
  • One of our Shipmate's family members obtained the deck log of the USS Kennebec AO 36 for the time period of December 7, 1965. The USS Kennebec was accidentally sprayed, it is in the deck log.
  • Louis Huckaby had verification from ship logs, that the Kennebec was also in Da Nang Harbor on Feb. 5, 1966. We went into the harbor and anchored alongside another ship to refuel them and also another ship.
  • The VA responded to an Agent Orange inquiry made in behalf of Joseph Moran. The reply states the USS Kennebec was likely exposed to Agent Orange on and after August 24, 1969 when it entered the waterway of Ganh Rai Ban. Click Here to read the VA letter dated 01-27-2016.
  • Agent Orange - Website for Navy Veterans and others, about various relate information - health issues.
  • Claims and Cases
  • BA Rules Da Nang Harbor as Inland Waterway
  • Exposure - PDF of a document that shows USS Kennebec was exposed to Agent Orange when servicing a ship on the list.
  • There has been a new bill passed, called the blue water bill [H.R. 1494]. The information is in the FRA magazine, 2013 month of July page 9. FRA Action center [] all shipmates should register with the VA.

Other Possible Exposures:


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Sitemap Last updated 12/03/2018 Site created by the late Dick A. Hawkins